- 2023
- 798.P. Krueger and H. Gottschalk, "Equivariant and Steerable Neural Networks: A review with special emphasis on the symmetric group", 2023.
- 797.H. Duan, W. Shen, X. Min, D. Tu, L. Teng, J. Wang and G. Zhai, "Masked Autoencoders as Image Processors", 2023.
- 796.T. Riedlinger, M. Schubert, S. Penquitt, J. Kezmann, P. Colling, K. Kahl, L. Roese-Koerner, M. Arnold, U. Zimmermann and M. Rottmann, "LMD: Light-weight Prediction Quality Estimation for Object Detection in Lidar Point Clouds", 2023.
- 795.G. Albi, F. Ferrarese and C. Totzeck, "Kinetic based optimization enhanced by genetic dynamics", 2023.
- 794.M. Günther, L. Milliken, J. Geuter, G. Mastrapas, B. Wang and H. Xiao, "Jina Embeddings: A Novel Set of High-Performance Sentence Embedding Models", 2023.
- 793.R. Chan, S. Penquitt and H. Gottschalk, "LU-Net: Invertible Neural Networks Based on Matrix Factorization", 2023.
- 792.R. Hosfeld, B. Jacob, F. Schwenninger and M. Tucsnak, "Input-to-state stability for bilinear feedback systems", 2023.
- 791.B. Jacob and H. Zwart, "Infinite-dimensional linear port-Hamiltonian systems on a one-dimensional spatial domain: An Introduction", 2023.
- 790.M. Schubert, T. Riedlinger, K. Kahl, D. Kroell, S. Schoenen, S. Šegvić and M. Rottmann, "Identifying Label Errors in Object Detection Datasets by Loss Inspection", 2023.
- 789.C. Drygala, F. Mare and H. Gottschalk, "Generalization capabilities of conditional GAN for turbulent flow under changes of geometry", 2023.
- 788.J. Glueck and J. Hoelz, "Eventual cone invariance revisited", 2023.
- 2022
- 787.Z. Turarov and C. Totzeck, "Gradient-based parameter calibration of an anisotropic interaction model for pedestrian dynamics" , 2022.
- 786.J. Glueck and M. Kaplin, "Order boundedness and order continuity properties of positive operator semigroups", 2022.
- 785.R. Hosfeld, B. Jacob and F. Schwenninger, "Integral input-to-state stability of unbounded bilinear control systems", Math. Control Signals Systems, vol. 34 (2), pp. 273-295, 2022.
- 784.L. Agasthya, A. Bartel, L. Biferale, M. Ehrhardt and F. Toschi, "Lagrangian instabilities in thermal convection with stable temperature profiles" , 2022.
- 783.D. Daners, J. Glück and J. Mui, "Local uniform convergence and eventual positivity of solutions to biharmonic heat equations", 2022.
- 782.A. Betteray, M. Rottmann and K. Kahl, "MGiaD: Multigrid in all dimensions. Efficiency and robustness by coarsening in resolution and channel dimensions", 2022.
- 781.J. Jäschke, N. Skrepek and M. Ehrhardt, "Mixed-Dimensional Geometric Coupling of Port-Hamiltonian Systems" , 2022.
- 780.M. Gerlach and J. Glück, "On characteristics of the range of integral operators", 2022.
- 779.B. Farkas, B. Jacob and M. Schmitz, "On exponential splitting methods for semilinear abstract Cauchy problems", 2022.
- 778.B. Farkas, B. Nagy and S. G. Révész, "On intertwining of maxima of sum of translates functions with nonsingular kernels", 2022.
- 777.B. Jacob and K. Morris, "On solvability of dissipative partial differential-algebraic equations", IEEE Control. Syst. Lett., vol. 6, pp. 3188-3193, 2022.
- 776.T. Riedlinger, M. Schubert, K. Kahl, H. Gottschalk and M. Rottmann, "Towards Rapid Prototyping and Comparability in Active Learning for Deep Object Detection", 2022.
- 775.B. Lang, "Space-Partitioned ND-Trees for the Dynamic Nondominance Problem", IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput., vol. Early Access, 2022.
- 774.B. Ruediger, A. Tordeux and B. Ugurcan, "Stability analysis of a stochastic port-Hamiltonian car-following model", 2022.
- 773.J. Glueck and A. Mironchenko, "Stability criteria for positive $C_0$-semigroups on ordered Banach spaces", 2022.
- 772.S. Arora and J. Glück, "Stability of (eventually) positive semigroups on spaces of continuous functions", C. R., Math., Acad. Sci. Paris, vol. 360, pp. 771--775, 2022.
- 771.J. Glueck, B. Jacob, A. Meyer, C. Wyss and H. Zwart, "Stability of linear infinite-dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems via closure relations", 2022.
- 770.M. Gerlach, J. Glück and M. Kunze, "Stability of transition semigroups and applications to parabolic equations", To appear in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 2022.
- 769.S. Uhlemeyer, M. Rottmann and H. Gottschalk, "Towards Unsupervised Open World Semantic Segmentation", CoRR, vol. abs/2201.01073, no. Preprint imacm_22_01, 2022.
- 768.M. Bolten, O. T. Doganay, H. Gottschalk and K. Klamroth, "Tracing locally Pareto optimal points by numerical integration", SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 3302-3328, 2022.
- 767.K. Maag, R. Chan, S. Uhlemeyer, K. Kowol and H. Gottschalk, "Two Video Data Sets for Tracking and Retrieval of Out of Distribution Objects", 2022.
- 766.J. Burghoff, R. Chan, H. Gottschalk, A. Muetze, T. Riedlinger, M. Rottmann and M. Schubert, "Uncertainty Quantification and Resource-Demanding Computer Vision Applications of Deep Learning", CoRR, vol. abs/2205.14917, 2022.
- 765.J. Glück and F. G. Martin, "Uniform convergence of stochastic semigroups", Israel J. Math., vol. 247, no. 1, pp. 1--19, 2022.
- 764.S. Huber, Y. Futamura, M. Galgon, A. Imakura, B. Lang and T. Sakurai, "Flexible subspace iteration with moments for an effective contour integration-based eigensolver", Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., vol. Early View, no. Preprint imacm_20_52, 2022.
- 763.C. Drygala, B. Winhart, F. Mare and H. Gottschalk, "Generative modeling of turbulence", Physics of Fluids, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 035114, 2022. AIP Publishing LLC.
- 762.K. Klamroth, M. Stiglmayr and C. Totzeck, "Consensus-Based Optimization for Multi-Objective Problems: A Multi-Swarm Approach", 2022.
- 761.B. Farkas, B. Nagy and S. G. Révész, "Fenton type minimax problems for sum of translates functions", 2022.
- 760.S. Arora and J. Glück, "An operator theoretic approach to uniform (anti-)maximum principles", J. Differential Equations, vol. 310, pp. 164--197, 2022.
- 759.M. Ehrhardt, S. Pereselkov, V. Kuz’kin, I. Kaznacheev and P. Rybyanets, "Experimental Observation and Theoretical Analysis of the Low-frequency Source Interferogram and Hologram in Shallow Water" , 2022.
- 758.F. Klass, A. Gabbana and A. Bartel, "A Characteristic Boundary Condition for Multispeed Lattice Boltzmann Methods" , 2022.
- 757.S. Arora and J. Glück, "A characterization of the individual maximum and anti-maximum principle", 2022.
- 756.M. Diab, A. Frommer and K. Kahl, "A flexible short recurrence Krylov subspace method for matrices arising in the time integration of port Hamiltonian systems and ODEs/DAEs with a dissipative Hamiltonian", 2022.
- 755.C. Budde, A. Dobrick, J. Glück and M. Kunze, "A monotone convergence theorem for strong Feller semigroups", 2022.
- 754.J. Glück, "A note on the spectrum of irreducible operators and semigroups", Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 150, no. 1, pp. 257--266, 2022.
- 753.S. Treibert and M. Ehrhardt, "A Physics-Informed Neural Network to Model COVID-19 Infection and Hospitalization Scenarios" , 2022.
- 752.J. Jäschke, M. Ehrhardt, M. Günther and B. Jacob, "A Port-Hamiltonian Formulation of Coupled Heat Transfer", Math. Comput. Model. Dyn. Syst., vol. 28 (1), no. Preprint imacm_21_08, pp. 78-94, 2022.
- 751.B. Jacob, F. Schwenninger and J. Wintermayr, "A refinement of Boillon's theorem on maximal regularity", Studia Math., vol. 263 (2), 2022.
- 750.J. Glück, S. Roth and E. Spodarev, "A solution to a linear integral equation with an application to statistics of infinitely divisible moving averages", Scand. J. Stat., pp. 30 pages, 2022.
- 749.Kowol, S. Bracke and H. Gottschalk, "A-Eye: Driving with the Eyes of AI for Corner Case Generation" , 2022.
zuletzt bearbeitet am: 24.06.2022