IMACM-Juniors Kick-Off Meeting 2021

07.03.2021|13:58 Uhr

Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic the third annual kick-off meeting took place as a virtual meeting on February 23rd, 2021. Many old and new faces of the different working groups came together. After a short round of introduction, the participants talked about further projects, wishes and ideas for the IMACM-juniors. Unfortunately, we are not able to meet in person yet. Furthermore, the new chair was voted and the meeting ended by playing some online games.

IMACM-Juniors Kick-Off Meeting 2021

Wil Schilders holds the fourth „Dr. Jörg Mittelsten Scheid-Visiting Professorshipr“ in the winter term 2020/21

01.10.2020|11:42 Uhr

He wants to advance mathematics as a key technology and highlight its importance for industry and society: Wil Schilders. The professor of "Scientific Computing in the Industry" at the Technical University in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, is an expert in the development of mathematical methods used in simulations of products and processes in industry.
Wil Schilders holds the fourth „Dr. Jörg Mittelsten Scheid-Visiting Professorshipr“ in the winter term 2020/21

SIAM Student Chapter Wuppertal

14.02.2020|10:16 Uhr

Doctoral students in applied mathematics started a SIAM Student Chapter at the University of Wuppertal. The aim of the SIAM Student Chapter Wuppertal is to unite both graduate and undergraduate students with an interest in computational and applied mathematics. The chapter organizes local meetings on subjects of interest, including seminars by students and faculty of the University of Wuppertal, as well as invited speakers from other institutions, excursions to industry sites, and workshops on different topics in applied mathematics and beyond. The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) provides funds to support activities of the student chapter.

Website of the SIAM Student Chapter Wuppertal:

SIAM Student Chapter Wuppertal

IMACM-Juniors Excursion

11.02.2020|14:22 Uhr

The IMACM-Juniors seminar trip took place from 11th to 13th February in Schmallenberg. The aim of the seminar was to bring the PhD students of the different working groups together. 15 Participants (14 PhD students, 1 Post Doc) of four different working groups of IMACM presented their research in the beautifully located seminar house. Furthermore, there was time to discuss research topics and general questions regarding the dissertation. In the evenings there was time for socializing while cooking together and playing board games.

IMACM-Juniors Excursion

IMACM-Juniors Kick-off Meeting

16.04.2019|09:13 Uhr

On the 11th of April 2019 the second IMACM-Juniors Kick-off meeting took place. A three minutes short presentation of each participant opened the meeting to give the chance to new and old members to get to know each other and their research interests. Afterwards, three Juniors gave a presentation on their work in more detail:

  • Johanna Schultes:
    Bikriterielle Formoptimierung mittels Gewichteter Summen Methode: Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit vs. Kosten
  • Arthur Strebel:
    Introduction to multigrid methods
  • Sergiy Bogdanov:
    Parallele Zeitintegration

IMACM-Juniors Kick-off Meeting

Pizza Friday

15.02.2019|10:54 Uhr

In addition to the kick-off meeting and the seminar trip in spring, the IMACM Juniors come together three times a year for a meeting on the so-called Pizza-Friday. These meetings are organized in turn by members of the different participating working groups in IMACM (Applied Mathematics/Numerical Analysis, Functional Analysis, Scientific Computing and High Performance Computing, Optimization and Approximation, Applied Computer Science, Stochastics). The meeting will be used to exchange ideas, to collect ideas for future actions and workshops and to find volunteers for their organization.

After the end of the official part, the rest of the evening is used for "socializing" on Pizza-Friday. In a convivial atmosphere, pizza is ordered together and board and party games are played.

Pizza Friday

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Last modified: 08.05.2023