- 2025
- 848.D. Könen and M. Stiglmayr,On Supportedness in Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization, 2025.
- 847.D. Gaul, K. Klamroth, C. Pfeiffer, M. Stiglmayr and A. Schulz, "A tight formulation for the dial-a-ride problem", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 321, no. 2, pp. 363–382, Mar. 2025. Elsevier BV.
- 2024
- 846.B. Rüdiger and P. Sundar, "Identification and existence of Boltzmann processes", 2024.
- 845.J. R. Figueira, K. Klamroth, M. Stiglmayr and J. S. Santos,On the Computational Complexity of Multi-Objective Ordinal Unconstrained Combinatorial Optimization, 2024.
- 844.D. S. Santos, K. Klamroth, P. Martins and L. Paquete, "Solving the multiobejctive quasi-clique problem" , 2024.
- 843.K. Reiter, M. Schmidt and M. Stiglmayr, "The Line-Based Dial-a-Ride Problem", 2024.
- 2023
- 842.B. Farkas, B. Jacob, T. Reis and M. Schmitz, "Operator splitting based dynamic iteration for linear infinite-dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems", 2023.
- 841.F. Heldmann, S. Berkhahn, M. Ehrhardt and K. Klamroth, "PINN Training using Biobjective Optimization: The Trade-off between Data Loss and Residual Loss", 2023.
- 840.D. Könen and M. Stiglmayr,Output-sensitive Complexity of Multi-Objective Integer Network Flow Problems, 2023.
- 839.O. T. Doganay, K. Klamroth, B. Lang, M. Stiglmayr and C. Totzeck, "Optimal control for port-Hamiltonian systems and a new perspective on dynamic network flow problems", 2023.
- 838.A. Frommer, M. Guenther, B. Liljegren-Sailer and N. Marheineke, "Operator splitting for port-Hamiltonian systems", 2023.
- 837.S. Albeverio, B. Ruediger and P. Sundar, "On the construction and identifcation of Boltzmann processes", 2023.
- 836.K. Kraus, K. Klamroth and M. Stiglmayr, "On the online path extension problem — Location and routing problems in board games", 2023.
- 835.H. Gernandt, F. Philipp, T. Preuster and M. Schaller,On the equivalence of geometric and descriptor representations of linear port-Hamiltonian systems, 2023.
- 834.A. Bartel, M. Clemens, M. Guenther, B. Jacob and T. Reis, "Port-Hamiltonian Systems Modelling in Electrical Engineering", 2023.
- 833.C. Beck, A. Jentzen, K. Kleinberg and T. Kruse, "Nonlinear Monte Carlo methods with polynomial runtime for Bellman equations of discrete time high-dimensional stochastic optimal control problems", 2023.
- 832.M. Bolten, O. T. Doganay, H. Gottschalk and K. Klamroth, "Non-convex shape optimization by dissipative Hamiltonian flows", 2023.
- 831.B. Jacob and C. Totzeck, "Port-Hamiltonian structure of interacting particle systems and its mean-field limit", 2023.
- 830.V. Mandrekar and B. Ruediger, "Stability properties of mild solutions of SPDEs related to pseudo differential equations", 2023.
- 829.J. Burghoff, M. Rottmann, J. Conta, S. Schoenen, A. Witte and H. Gottschalk, "ResBuilder: Automated Learning of Depth with Residual Structures", 2023.
- 828.H. Asatryan, D. Gaul, H. Gottschalk, K. Klamroth and M. Stiglmayr, "Ridepooling and public bus services: A comparative case-study", 2023.
- 827.A. Tordeux and C. Totzeck, "Multi-scale description of pedestrian collective dynamics with port-Hamiltonian systems", 2023.
- 826.P. Kuchling, B. Ruediger and B. Ugurcan, "Stability properties of some port-Hamiltonian SPDEs", 2023.
- 825.M. Guenther, B. Jacob and C. Totzeck, "Structure-preserving identification of port-Hamiltonian systems -- a sensitivity-based approach", 2023.
- 824.K. Kowol, S. Bracke and H. Gottschalk, "survAIval: Survival Analysis with the Eyes of AI", 2023.
- 823.M. Schwonberg, J. Niemeijer, J. Termoehlen, J. P. Schaefer, N. M. Schmidt, H. Gottschalk and T. Fingscheidt, "Survey on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation for Visual Perception in Automated Driving", 2023.
- 822.K. Schäfers, M. Günther and A. Sandu, "Symplectic multirate generalized additive Runge-Kutta methods for Hamiltonian systems", 2023.
- 821.M. Ehrhardt, T. Kruse and A. Tordeux, "The Collective Dynamics of a Stochastic Port-Hamiltonian Self-Driven Agent Model in One Dimension", 2023.
- 820.R. Korbmacher, A. Nicolas, A. Tordeux and C. Totzeck, "Time-continuous microscopic pedestrian models: an overview", 2023.
- 819.M. Abdellatif, P. Kuchling, B. Rüdiger and I. Ventura, "Wasserstein distance in terms of the Comonotonicity Copula", 2023.
- 818.J. Burghoff, M. H. Monells and H. Gottschalk, "Who breaks early, looses: goal oriented training of deep neural networks based on port Hamiltonian dynamics", 2023.
- 817.M. Bolten, S. P. MacLachlan and M. E. Kilmer, "Multigrid preconditioning for regularized least-squares problems", 2023.
- 816.A. Bartel, M. Diab, A. Frommer and M. Günther, "Operator splitting for semi-explicit differential-algebraic equations and port-Hamiltonian DAEs", 2023.
- 815.O. T. Doganay, K. Klamroth, B. Lang, M. Stiglmayr and C. Totzeck, "Modeling Minimum Cost Network Flows With Port-Hamiltonian Systems", 2023.
- 814.S. Uhlemeyer, J. Lienen, E. Huellermeier and H. Gottschalk, "Detecting Novelties with Empty Classes", 2023.
- 813.L. Löhken and M. Stiglmayr,A Multi-objective Perspective on the Cable-Trench Problem, 2023.
- 812.O. T. Doganay, K. Klamroth, B. Lang, M. Stiglmayr and C. Totzeck, "A new perspective on dynamic network flow problems via port-Hamiltonian systems", 2023.
- 811.A. Frommer and M. N. Khalil, "MG-MLMC++ as a Variance Reduction Method for Estimating the Trace of a Matrix Inverse", 2023.
- 810.D. Könen and M. Stiglmayr, "An output-polynomial time algorithm to determine all supported efficient solutions for multi-objective integer network flow problems", 2023.
- 809.A. Frommer, M. Rinelli and M. Schweitzer, "Analysis of stochastic probing methods for estimating the trace of functions of sparse symmetric matrices", 2023.
- 808.S. Blauth, R. Pinnau, M. Andres and C. Totzeck, "Asymptotic analysis for optimal control of the Cattaneo model", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 527, no. 1, pp. 127375, Nov. 2023. Elsevier {BV} .
- 807.M. Schwonberg, F. E. Bouazati, N. M. Schmidt and H. Gottschalk, "Augmentation-based Domain Generalization for Semantic Segmentation", 2023.
- 806.J. Bauß and M. Stiglmayr, "Augmenting Bi-objective Branch and Bound by Scalarization-Based Information", 2023.
- 805.F. Klass, A. Gabbana and A. Bartel, "Characteristic Boundary Condition for Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Methods", 2023.
- 804.B. Jacob, L. Vorberg and C. Wyss, "Computing the Quadratic Numerical Range", 2023.
- 803.A. Ali, J. Brannick, K. Kahl, O. A. Krzysik, J. B. Schroder and B. S. Southworth, "Constrained Local Approximate Ideal Restriction for Advection-Diffusion Problems", 2023.
- 802.M. Guenther, B. Jacob and C. Totzeck, "Data-driven adjoint-based calibration of port-Hamiltonian systems in time domain", 2023.
- 801.J. Bauß, S. N. Parragh and M. Stiglmayr, "Adaptive Improvements of Multi-Objective Branch and Bound", submitted to EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 2023.
- 800.C. Schillings, C. Totzeck and P. Wacker, "Ensemble-based gradient inference for particle methods in optimization and sampling", 2023.
- 799.S. Arora and J. Glück, "Irreducibility of eventually positive semigroups", 2023.
Last modified: 12.06.2023