CO2 emissions trading

Innovative mathematical models for emissions trading

03.11.2024|23:06 Uhr

Emissions trading is a key instrument in the fight against climate change. The introduction of CO2 certificates incentivises companies to reduce their emissions. A research project at the University of Wuppertal aims to make this system even more efficient by developing new mathematical models. These models should help to predict the prices for emission certificates and certificates for renewable energies more accurately.
Innovative mathematical models for emissions trading

Opportunity for Master Students: Autumn School in Tunis and Conference in Hammamet (October 2024)

12.09.2024|17:02 Uhr

The aim of the Autumn–School in Tunis, Oct. 13-19,2024, is to train presentation skills to communicate with a talk and a poster containing own research results at an international conference. This is why the workshop preceeds the conference on `Stochastic in Mathematical Finance and Physics’ in Hammamet, Oct. 20-26. All students attending the Autumn-School in Tunis will discuss their results with renowned scientists at the Hammamet- Conference during a poster session. Four students attending the Autumn-School will be selected to present also a talk at the Hammamet-Conference.
Opportunity for Master Students: Autumn School in Tunis and Conference in Hammamet (October 2024)

Guest professor Jacob Schroder

22.08.2024|15:32 Uhr

Jacob B. Schroder from the University of New Mexico, USA, is spending a year at the IMACM as a visiting professor. Together with his host, PD Dr. Karsten Kahl, Prof. Schroder will be working on algebraic multigrid methods in the Applied Computer Science group and thus participating in the research projects on solvers for lattice gauge theory and port Hamiltonian systems. With his work on parallel time integration methods, there are also links to the High Performance Computing group (Prof. Bolten). Welcome to Wuppertal, Jacob!
Guest professor Jacob Schroder

Get-Together: IMACM Juniors 29.07.2024

14.08.2024|17:15 Uhr

IMACM Juniors meeting at the beginning of the lecture-free period in the summer 2024

Current research presented in a different way! PhD students and postdocs from the individual working groups discussed their research in an exciting format this time - in the form of power point
karaoke. Instead of presenting their own slides, they happened to present randomly someone else's.
Not only did the IMACM juniors get to know each other in a special way, but also had the opportunity to put their presentation skills to the test.

Afterwards, the organisation of future meetings was discussed. Joint network meetings are planned, as well as workshops and tutorials that can support all IMACM Juniors in their scientific work
across all subjects. The IMACM Juniors cordially invite you to a joint lunch every first Tuesday of the month at 12:30h in the Mensa.


Get-Together: IMACM Juniors 29.07.2024

New Erasmus-Mundus M.Sc. Programme starts in 2025

22.07.2024|10:09 Uhr

In the MATHS-DISC Master's program "Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Data Science for Industrial and Societal Challenges", Bergische Universität Wuppertal cooperates via the IMACM with the University of Verona, the Igor Sikorsky Polytechnic Institute Kiev, the Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon, the University of Grenoble Alpes, the University NTNU Trondheim and a further 20 partners from industry and research. This international cooperation guarantees students the opportunity to learn from renowned professors and researchers and offers the possibility to build up a comprehensive network.
New Erasmus-Mundus M.Sc. Programme starts in 2025

Looking back at May 12th Day

28.06.2024|13:43 Uhr

IMACM contributed to the May12 initiative. The goal of the May12 initiative “is to inspire women everywhere to celebrate their achievements in mathematics, and to encourage an open, welcoming and inclusive work environment for everybody.
Looking back at May 12th Day

Reliable Data for Autonomous Driving

14.04.2024|12:43 Uhr

Reliable data for reliable artificial intelligence - that is the topic of the new BMBF joint research project RELiABEL. Wuppertal scientists led by IMACM member PD Dr. Matthias Rottmann are working together with the technology start-up QualityMatch GmbH from Heidelberg on new methods that can be used to reliably label image data for autonomous driving.
Reliable Data for Autonomous Driving

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Last modified: 08.05.2023