New Erasmus-Mundus M.Sc. Programme starts in 2025

Autonomous systems, image recognition via artificial intelligence or optimized traffic flows via digital route planning: there are numerous subject areas in which mathematics plays an important role. The MATHS-DISC Master's program combines traditional areas of mathematics such as modelling, stochastics and numerical simulation with forward-looking topics such as machine learning, digital twins and quantum computing. Students from all over the world can participate in application-oriented cutting-edge mathematical research through the program. The aim is to test new mathematical methods for real challenges in business and society and to make the solutions - for example in the form of well-founded algorithms - accessible in such a way that as many people as possible can benefit from them. MATHS-DISC at the University of Wuppertal is based on the successful international Master's degree program Computer Simulation in Science (CSiS). Applications will be possible from February 2025. The start of the new program is planned for the winter semester 2025/26.
IMACM member Prof. Dr. Matthias Ehrhardt is coordinating this Erasmus Mundus programme, which will be funded by the EU with around five million euros over the next six years.
Last modified: 11.12.2023