Kirsten Morris from University of Waterloo visiting in May 2023

Prof. Kirsten Morris is author of the books ``Controller Design for Distributed Parameter Systems” and "Introduction to Feedback Control", and editor of the book “Control of Flexible Structures”. She is a professor in the Applied Mathematics Department at the University of Waterloo and a Faculty of Mathematics Research Chair. She has held visiting positions at ICASE (NASA Langley), the Fields Institute, the Institute for Mathematics & Applications, and the Institut de Mathematiques in Bordeaux. Prof. Morris served as a vice-president of the IEEE Control System Society from 2013-2016, vice-chair of the SIAM Control & Systems Theory group 2016-2017 and chair 2018-2019. She was an associate editor with the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control and is currently an associate editor for SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization ; associate editor for Asian Journal of Control; honorary editor for Mathematics of Control, Signals & Systems; and a member of the editorial board of the SIAM book series Advances in Design & Control. Prof. Morris is Fellow of IEEE, IFAC and SIAM and received the 2020 IEEE Control Systems Society Distinguished Member Award.
Last modified: 11.12.2023