Kick-Off meeting of Marie-Curie Doctoral Network AQTIVATE in Cyprus, 27.09-30.09. 2023

The network AQTIVATE comprises nine "degree-awarding institutions" (RWTH Aachen, Technical University Berlin, Cyprus University,The Cyprus Institute, KTH Stockholm, Mines-Telecom Paris, University of Padova, University of Rome Tor Vergata and University of Wuppertal) and several additional partners from research institutions and industry (DESY, CINECA, FZ Jülich, HPE and SIDACT). The scientific program at the Kick-Off focused on three parts:
- information about the structure of AQTIVATE and on the training opportrunities provided
- overview talks on the subjects of AQTIVATE (HPC - hardware and programming models, software development, quantum algorithms, quantum computers within near-feature modular supercomputers, machine learning in the simualtion of turbulence)
- presentation talks of all Ph.D. students about the subjects of their Master thesis
The Kick-Off meeting presented an ideal opportunity for the Ph.D. students to get aquainted with the topics in their Ph.D. projects and to socialize among each other and with their supervisors, including a memorable Meze dinner on the city walls of the old own of Nicosia (photo).
Rayan Moussa is one of the Wuppertal Ph.D. students, supervised jointly with CYI, the second one is yet to be confirmed. Wuppertal and IMACM will, in addition, contribute to the supervision and deliver a double doctoral degree for Shiting Long (KTH) and Christian Schneider (UCY).
Last modified: 11.12.2023