
Inaugural lecture of PD Dr. Matthias Rottmann

27.10.2023|16:16 Uhr

On 24.10.2023, IMACM member PD Dr Matthias Rottmann gave his inaugural lecture at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. He gave a broad overview of his research in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), in particular Deep Learning, and his research on methods to make AI more reliable and efficient.

Matthias Rottmann reported in particular on methods with which an AI can be equipped for the unknown. In classification tasks, an AI works with a fixed set of categories and sorts all observations into them. Matthias Rottmann showed examples where the AI is convinced with great certainty that the classification is correct, but it is wrong after all. With his methods, Rottmann teaches the AI, among other things, to say: "I cannot assign this object to any of the categories" instead of classifying incorrectly.

Rottmann works on basic and application-oriented projects at Bergische Universität with a team of currently nine doctoral students. As deputy spokesperson of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Machine Learning and Data Analytics, he will continue to promote the activities of his faculty in the field of AI.

Last modified: 11.12.2023