Looking back at May 12th Day

28.06.2024|13:43 Uhr

IMACM contributed to the May12 initiative. The goal of the May12 initiative “is to inspire women everywhere to celebrate their achievements in mathematics, and to encourage an open, welcoming and inclusive work environment for everybody.
Looking back at May 12th Day

Reliable Data for Autonomous Driving

14.04.2024|12:43 Uhr

Reliable data for reliable artificial intelligence - that is the topic of the new BMBF joint research project RELiABEL. Wuppertal scientists led by IMACM member PD Dr. Matthias Rottmann are working together with the technology start-up QualityMatch GmbH from Heidelberg on new methods that can be used to reliably label image data for autonomous driving.
Reliable Data for Autonomous Driving

Photo by Ralf Silberkuhl (6tant)

Workshop and conference on stochastics in financial mathematics and physics in Hammamet (Tunisia)

11.12.2023|09:36 Uhr

This traditional conference, preceded by a workshop for students, took place in Hammamet (Tunisia) and was organized by IMACM member Prof. Barbara Rüdiger together with colleagues from Dublin City University, Ecole Polytechnique, Ghent University, Linnaeus University, Tunis El Manar University, the University of Amsterdam, the University of Wuppertal and the University of Oslo. The event was partly funded by the DAAD. The conference is now a regular event, which originated more than 20 years ago through the commitment of Habib Ouerdiane and his desire to bridge and discuss the new trends in the interplay of analysis, probability and their applications. The conference took place from October 16 to 20, 2023 and commemorated Professor Ouerdiane, who passed away suddenly in March of this year and had already laid the foundation for this year's event.
Workshop and conference on stochastics in financial mathematics and physics in Hammamet (Tunisia)

Kick-off of Marie-Curie Sklodowska Ph.D. network ModConFlex

20.11.2023|19:06 Uhr

ModConFlex is the acronym for "Modelling and control of flexible structures interacting with fluids". This doctoral network within the EU Marie Curie Sklodowska actions is coordinated by Prof. Birgit Jacob from IMACM. The hiring process of the Ph.D. students is meanwhile (almost) finished, and all students and their advisors joined for a kick-off and first training event at University of Twente (NL) from November 13 to 18.
Kick-off of Marie-Curie Sklodowska Ph.D. network ModConFlex

Last modified: 08.05.2023

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