Kick-off of Marie-Curie Sklodowska Ph.D. network ModConFlex

20.11.2023|19:06 Uhr

ModConFlex is the acronym for "Modelling and control of flexible structures interacting with fluids". This doctoral network within the EU Marie Curie Sklodowska actions is coordinated by Prof. Birgit Jacob from IMACM. The hiring process of the Ph.D. students is meanwhile (almost) finished, and all students and their advisors joined for a kick-off and first training event at University of Twente (NL) from November 13 to 18.

ModConFlex coordinator Prof. Birgit Jacob welcomed representatives from all participating partners and 12 newly hired PhD students. The main aim of the Europe Horizon MSCA project is to train 14 PhD students in state of the art research in modelling and control of flexible structures interacting with fluids.

After a one day kick-off meeting the newly recruited researchers received their first five days of training given by experts from industry and academia. The main workplace of the researchers will be universities in five different countries, with several months of research abroad at partner universities and industrial partners. See for further information on the project (including one still open position at Tel Aviv university).

Last modified: 11.12.2023