The IMACM-Juniors at the Department of Mathematics is a group uniting doctoral students and postdocs in (applied) mathematics. The objectives of the group are to provide opportunities to stimulate networking, academic independence, and self-organization, and to develop leadership skills. Independent of professors of the IMACM, members of the IMACM Juniors organize interdisciplinary seminars on their current research topics, invite external experts to lectures, workshops and discussions, and organize meetings on topics for early-career academic researchers such as funding opportunities or proposal writing.
SIAM Student Chapter Wuppertal
Doctoral students of the IMACM-Juniors also started the SIAM Student Chapter Wuppertal.
Mailing List
The internal mailing list is for all junior researchers (PhD students, postdocs, etc.) at the IMACM and informs about upcoming activities of the IMACM-Juniors as well as other interesting events.
To subscribe to the IMACM-Juniors mailing list, please fill in the corresponding form on this page. Please use your @math e-mail address and enter your first name last name (working group) in the name field to facilitate the moderator's decision.
Chair: Lara Löhken
Vice-Chair: Dr. Julia Sudhoff Santos
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Gaußstrasse 20
D-42119 Wuppertal
E-Mail: IMACMjuniors[at]
Last modified: 11.02.2025