- 2019
- 548.Friesen, Jin and B. Rüdiger, "Boundary behavior of multi-type continuous-state branching processes with immigration" , 2019.
- 547.S. Bock and K. Klamroth, "Combining Travelin Salesman and Traveling Repairman Problems: A multi-objective approach based on multiple scenarios", Computers and Operations Research, vol. 112, pp. 104766, 2019.
- 546.S. Treibert, H. Brunner and M. Ehrhardt, "Compartment Models for Vaccine Effectiveness and non-specific Effects for Tuberculosis" , 2019.
- 545.T. Teng and A. Clevenhaus, "Accelerated implementation of the ADI schemes for the Heston model with stochastic correlation" , 2019.
- 544.M. Günther, R. Höllwieser and K. Knechtli, "Constrained Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithms for gauge-Higgs models" , 2019.
- 543.Friesen, Jin, Kremer and B. Rüdiger, "Exponential ergodicity for stochastic equations of nonnegative processes with jumps" , 2019.
- 542.De Sterck, S. Friedhoff, Howse and S. P. MacLachlan, "Convergence analysis for parallel-in-time solution of hyperbolic systems" , 2019.
- 541.A. Frommer, B. Jacob, K. Kahl, C. Wyss and I. Zwaan, "Krylov-type methods exploiting the quadratic numerical range" , 2019.
- 540.A. Bartel and M. Günther, "Inter/extrapolation-based multirate schemes — a dynamic-iteration perspective" , 2019.
- 539.M. Wandelt, M. Günther and M. Muniz, "Geometric Integration on Lie Groups using the Cayley Transform with focus on Lattice QCD" , 2019.
- 538.C. Budde and R. Heymann, "Extrapolation of operator-valued multiplication operators" , 2019.
- 537.Doganay, H. Gottschalk, C. Hahn, K. Klamroth, J. Schultes and S. M., "Gradient Based Biobjective Shape Optimization to Improve Reliability and Cost of Ceramic Components" , 2019.
- 536.M. Friesen, P. Jin, J. Kremer and B. Rüdiger, "Ergodicity of affine processes on the cone of symmetric positive semidefinite matrices" , 2019.
- 535.I. Zwaan, "Cross product-free matrix pencils for computing generalized singular values" , 2019.
- 534.B. Lang, "Efficient Reduction of Banded Hermitian Positive Definite Generalized Eigenvalue Problems to Banded Standard Eigenvalue Problems", SIAM J. Sci. Comput., vol. 41, no. 1, pp. C52--C72, 2019.
- 533.B. Lang, D. Müller, H. Arndt, A. Bartel, K. Blankenagel, H. Gottschalk, M. Günther, L. Humbert, B. Jacob, K. Klamroth, B. Rüdiger, B. Späth, M. Stiglmayr and C. Wyss, "Die Stimmen der Fächer hören", Michaela Heer and Ulrich Heinen, Eds. Schoeningh Ferdinand GmbH, 2019, pp. 413--428.
ISBN: 978-3-506-79274-7
- 532.M. Stiglmayr, J. R. Figueira, K. Klamroth, L. Paquete and B. Schulze, "Decision Space Robustness for Multi-Objective Integer Linear Programming" , 2019.
- 531.N. Umeorah, P. Mashele and M. Ehrhardt, "Elliptical and Archimedean copula models: an application to the price estimation of portfolio credit derivatives" , 2019.
- 530.M. Gerlach and J. Glück, "Convergence of positive operator semigroups", Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 372, no. 9, pp. 6603--6627, 2019.
- 2018
- 529.B. Schulze, K. Klamroth and M. Stiglmayr, "On the Rectangular Knapsack Problem - Approximation of a Specific Quadratic Knapsack Problem" , 2018.
- 528.Friesen and O. Kutoviy, "On stochastic Cucker-Smale ocking dynamics" , 2018.
- 527.P. S. Petrov, A. G. Tyshchenko and M. Ehrhardt, "Numerical solution of iterative parabolic equations approximating the nonlinear Helmholtz equation" , 2018.
- 526.M. Bolten, H. Gottschalk and C. Hahn, "Numerical Shape Optimization to Decrease Failure Probability of Ceramic Structures", PAMM, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. e201800229, 2018. Wiley Online Library.
- 525.P. Jin, Kremer and B. Rüdiger, "Moments and ergodicity of the jump-diffusion CIR process" , 2018.
- 524.A. Frommer, C. Schimmel and M. Schweitzer, "Non-Toeplitz decay bounds for inverses of Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal matrices" , 2018.
- 523.M. Galgon, S. Huber and B. Lang, "Mixed precision in subspace iteration-based eigensolvers", Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., vol. 18, pp. e201800334, Dez. 2018.
- 522.M. Gerlach and J. Glück, "Lower bounds and the asymptotic behaviour of positive operator semigroups", Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 3012--3041, 2018.
- 521.C. Bargetz and S. Wegner, "Pivot duality of universal interpolation and extrapolation spaces", J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 460, no. 1, pp. 321--331, 2018.
- 520.K. Kahl and M. Rottmann, "Least angle regression coarsening in bootstrap algebraic multigrid", SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. A3928--A3954, 2018. SIAM.
- 519.A. Bátkai, B. Jacob, J. Voigt and J. Wintermayr, "Perturbations of positive semigroups on <prt>AM</prt>-spaces", Semigroup Forum, vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 333--347, 2018.
- 518.I. Kossaczký, M. Ehrhardt and M. Günther, "The Two-dimensional Tree-Grid Method" , 2018.
- 517.A. Gabbana, M. Polini, S. Succi, R. Tripiccione and F. M. D. Pellegrino, "Prospects for the detection of electronic pre-turbulence in graphene" , 2018.
- 516.H. Gottschalk and M. Saadi, "Shape Gradients for the Failure Probability of a Mechanic Component under Cyclic Loading <br> A Discrete Adjoint Approach" , 2018.
- 515.P. Putek, E. J. W. Maten, M. Günther and A. Bartel, "Shape optimization of a PM synchronous machine under probabilistic constraints" , 2018.
- 514.L. Di Persio, M. Ehrhardt and B. Verzé, "Solar Energy Forecasting: from classical statistical approaches to innovative machine learning based models" , 2018.
- 513.M. Waurick and S. Wegner, "Some remarks on the notions of boundary systems and boundary triple(t)s", Math. Nachr., vol. 291, no. 16, pp. 2489--2497, 2018.
- 512.B. Jacob, C. Tretter, C. Trunk and H. Vogt, "Systems with strong damping and their spectra", Math. Methods Appl. Sci., vol. 41, no. 16, pp. 6546--6573, 2018.
- 511.M. Friesen, Rüdiger and P. Sundar, "The Enskog process for hard and soft potentials" , 2018.
- 510.D. Daners and J. Glück, "Towards a perturbation theory for eventually positive semigroups", J. Operator Theory, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 345--372, 2018.
- 509.J. Yusupov, K. K. Sabirov, M. Ehrhardt and D. U. Matrasulov, "Transparent Quantum Graphs" , 2018.
- 508.H. Gottschalk, N. Moch, S. Schmitz and T. Beck,Von Mikroskopischen Modellen der Schadensakkumulation zur Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit von Gasturbinen-Schlussbericht: Laufzeit: 01.12. 2014-30.11. 2017. Bergische Universität, Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, 2018.
- 507.C. Cuny, T. Eisner and B. Farkas, "Wiener's lemma along primes and other subsequences" , 2018.
- 506.B. Jacob, R. Nabiullin, J. R. Partington and F. L. Schwenninger, "Infinite-dimensional input-to-state stability and <prt>O</prt>rlicz spaces", SIAM J. Control Optim., vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 868--889, 2018.
- 505.C. Budde and B. Farkas, "Intermediate and extrapolated spaces for bi-continuous operator semigroups", Journal of Evolution Equations, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 321-359, 2018.
- 504.L. Teng, A. Lapitckii and M. Günther, "A Multi-step Scheme based on Cubic Spline for solving Backward Stochastic Differential Equations" , 2018.
- 503.M. Galgon, L. Krämer and B. Lang, "Improving projection-based eigensolvers via adaptive techniques", Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. e2124, Jan. 2018.
- 502.J. Carrillo, Y. Choi, C. Totzeck and O. Tse, "An analytical framework for a consensus-based global optimization method", Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 1037-1066, 2018.
- 501.J. Glück, "Growth rates and the peripheral spectrum of positive operators", Houston J. Math., vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 847--872, 2018.
- 500.B. Jacob, J. R. Partington, S. Pott and A. Wynn, "<prt>β</prt>-admissibility of observation operators for hypercontractive semigroups", J. Evol. Equ., vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 153--170, 2018.
- 499.D. Daners and J. Glück, "A criterion for the uniform eventual positivity of operator semigroups", Integral Equations Operator Theory, vol. 90, no. 4, pp. Paper No. 46, 19, 2018.
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