M. Rippl, B. Lang and T. Huckle, "Parallel Eigenvalue Computation for Banded Generalized Eigenvalue Problems", Parallel Comput., vol. 88, pp. 102542, Okt. 2019.
A. Behrend, A. Dignös, J. Gamper, P. Schmiegelt, H. Voigt, M. Rottmann and K. Kahl, "Period Index: A Learned 2D Hash Index for Range and Duration Queries" in Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, 2019, pp. 100--109.
B. Engel, L. Mäde, P. Lion, N. Moch, H. Gottschalk and T. Beck, "Probabilistic modeling of slip system-based shear stresses and fatigue behavior of coarse-grained ni-base superalloy considering local grain anisotropy and grain orientation", Metals, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 813, 2019. MDPI.
A. Gabbana, D. Simeoni, S. S. and R. Tripiccione, "Relativistic dissipation obeys Chapman-Enskog asymptotics: analytical and numerical evidence as a basis for accurate kinetic simulations" , 2019.
A. Gabbana, D. Simeoni, Succi and R. Tripiccione, "Relativistic Lattice Boltzmann Methods: Theory and Applications" , 2019.
H. Gottschalk and M. Saadi, "Shape gradients for the failure probability of a mechanic component under cyclic loading: a discrete adjoint approach", Computational Mechanics, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 895--915, 2019. Springer.
M. Ehrhardt, J. Gašper and S. Kilianová, "SIR-based Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases with Vaccination and Waning Immunity" , 2019.
Friesen, Jin and B. Rüdiger, "Stochastic equation and exponential ergodicity in Wasserstein distances for affine processes" , 2019.
R. Chan, M. Rottmann, R. Dardashti, F. Hüger, P. Schlicht and H. Gottschalk, "The ethical dilemma when (not) setting up cost-based decision rules in semantic segmentation" in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2019, pp. 0--0.
Yusupov, Sabirov, M. Ehrhardt and D. U. Matrasulov, "Transparent nonlinear networks" , 2019.
M. Rottmann and M. Schubert, "Uncertainty measures and prediction quality rating for the semantic segmentation of nested multi resolution street scene images" in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2019, pp. 0--0.
A. Liefke, V. Marciniak, U. Janoske and H. Gottschalk, "Using adjoint CFD to quantify the impact of manufacturing variations on a heavy duty turbine vane", CoRR, vol. abs/1901.10352, no. Preprint: imacm_18_29, 2019.
N. Umeorah, M. Ehrhardt and P. Mashele, "Valuation of basket credit default swaps under stochastic default intensity models" , 2019.
B. Jacob and S. Wegner, "Well-posedness of a class of hyperbolic partial differential equations on the semi-axis", J. Evol. Equ., vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 1111--1147, 2019.
B. Jacob and J. T. Kaiser, "Well-posedness of systems of 1-<prt>D</prt> hyperbolic partial differential equations", J. Evol. Equ., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 91--109, 2019.
A. G. Tyshchenko, P. S. Petrov and M. Ehrhardt, "Wide-angle mode parabolic equation with transparent boundary conditions and its applications in shallow water acoustics" , 2019.
P. S. Petrov, M. Ehrhardt, A. G. Tyshchenko and P. N. Petrov, "Wide-angle mode parabolic equations for the problems of underwater acoustics and their numerical solution on unbounded domains" , 2019.
C. Cuny, T. Eisner and B. Farkas, "Wiener's lemma along primes and other subsequences", Advances in Mathematics, vol. 347, pp. 340 - 383, 2019.
B. Jacob, K. A. Morris and H. Zwart, "Zero dynamics for networks of waves", Automatica J. IFAC, vol. 103, pp. 310--321, 2019.
B. Jacob, J. R. Partington, S. Pott and A. Wynn, "<prt>β</prt>-admissibility of observation operators for hypercontractive semigroups", J. Evol. Equ., vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 153--170, 2018.
D. Daners and J. Glück, "A criterion for the uniform eventual positivity of operator semigroups", Integral Equations Operator Theory, vol. 90, no. 4, pp. Paper No. 46, 19, 2018.
C. Budde and B. Farkas, "A Desch-Schappacher Perturbation Theorem for Bi-Continuous Semigroups" , 2018.
B. Farkas, B. Nagy and S. G. R{\'e}v{\'e}sz, "A minimax problem for sums of translates on the torus", Transactions of the London Mathematical Society, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-46, 2018.
L. Teng, A. Lapitckii and M. Günther, "A Multi-step Scheme based on Cubic Spline for solving Backward Stochastic Differential Equations" , 2018.
L. Teng, M. Wu and M. Ehrhardt, "A new methodology to create valid time-dependent correlation matrices via isospectral flows" , 2018.
J. Glück, "A note on lattice ordered $C^*$-algebras and Perron-Frobenius theory", Math. Nachr., vol. 291, no. 11-12, pp. 1727--1732, 2018.
L. Teng, "A Review of Tree-based Approaches to solve Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations" , 2018.
J. Kühn, A. Bartel and P. Putek, "A Thermal Extension of Tellinen’s Scalar Hysteresis Model" , 2018.
M. Rottmann, "Adaptive domain decomposition multigrid for lattice QCD", Universität Wuppertal, Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, 2018.
H. Gottschalk, M. Saadi, O. T. Doganay, K. Klamroth and S. Schmitz, "Adjoint method to calculate the shape gradients of failure probabilities for turbomachinery components" in Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, 2018, pp. V07AT32A003.
J. Carrillo, Y. Choi, C. Totzeck and O. Tse, "An analytical framework for a consensus-based global optimization method", Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 1037-1066, 2018.
B. Jacob and H. Zwart, "An operator theoretic approach to infinite-dimensional control systems", GAMM-Mitt., vol. 41, no. 4, pp. e201800010, 14, 2018.
P. Oberdiek, M. Rottmann and H. Gottschalk, "Classification Uncertainty of Deep Neural Networks Based on Gradient Information" , 2018.
L. Mäde, S. Schmitz, H. Gottschalk and T. Beck, "Combined notch and size effect modeling in a local probabilistic approach for LCF", Computational Materials Science, vol. 142, no. Preprint: imacm_17_12, pp. 377--388, 2018. Elsevier.
H. Kreidler, "Compact operator semigroups applied to dynamical systems", Semigroup Forum, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 523--547, 2018.
L. Krämer and B. Lang, "Convergence of integration-based methods for the solution of standard and generalized Hermitian eigenvalue problems", Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal., vol. 48, pp. 183--201, 2018.
M. Rottmann, K. Kahl and H. Gottschalk, "Deep bayesian active semi-supervised learning" in 2018 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2018, pp. 158--164.
B. Engel, T. Beck, N. Moch, H. Gottschalk and S. Schmitz, "Effect of local anisotropy on fatigue crack initiation in a coarse grained nickel-base superalloy", CoRR, vol. abs/1806.02106, no. Preprint: imacm_18_08, 2018.
M. Friesen, P. Jin and B. Rüdiger, "Existence of densities for multi-type CBI processes" , 2018.
M. Friesen, P. Jin and B. Rüdiger, "Existence of densities for stochastic di erential equations driven by Lévy processes with anisotropic jumps" , 2018.
P. Jin, J. Kremer and B. Rüdiger, "Existence of limiting distribution for affine processes" , 2018.
S. Friedhoff, J. Hahne, I. Kulchytska-Ruchka and S. Schöps, "Exploring Parallel-in-Time Approaches for Eddy Current Problems" , 2018.
P. Jin, Kremer and B. Rüdiger, "Exponential ergodicity of an affine two-factor model based on the α-root process" , 2018.
J. Glück, "Growth rates and the peripheral spectrum of positive operators", Houston J. Math., vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 847--872, 2018.
M. Galgon, L. Krämer and B. Lang, "Improving projection-based eigensolvers via adaptive techniques", Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. e2124, Jan. 2018.
B. Jacob, R. Nabiullin, J. R. Partington and F. L. Schwenninger, "Infinite-dimensional input-to-state stability and <prt>O</prt>rlicz spaces", SIAM J. Control Optim., vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 868--889, 2018.
C. Budde and B. Farkas, "Intermediate and extrapolated spaces for bi-continuous operator semigroups", Journal of Evolution Equations, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 321-359, 2018.
K. Kahl and M. Rottmann, "Least angle regression coarsening in bootstrap algebraic multigrid", SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. A3928--A3954, 2018. SIAM.
M. Gerlach and J. Glück, "Lower bounds and the asymptotic behaviour of positive operator semigroups", Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 3012--3041, 2018.
M. Galgon, S. Huber and B. Lang, "Mixed precision in subspace iteration-based eigensolvers", Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., vol. 18, pp. e201800334, Dez. 2018.

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