P. Hermle and H. Kreidler, "A Halmos-von Neumann theorem for actions of general groups", 2022.
J. Glück, "Analyticity of positive semigroups is inherited under domination", 2022.
R. Chan, S. Uhlemeyer, M. Rottmann and H. Gottschalk, "Detecting and Learning the Unknown in Semantic Segmentation", CoRR, vol. abs/2202.08700, no. Preprint imacm_22_05, 2022.
K. Lis, M. Rottmann, S. Honari, P. Fua and M. Salzmann, "AttEntropy: Segmenting Unknown Objects in Complex Scenes using the Spatial Attention Entropy of Semantic Segmentation Transformers", 2022.
J. Glück, "Evolution equations with eventually positive solutions", Eur. Math. Soc. Mag., no. 123, pp. 4--11, 2022.
P. Csomós, B. Farkas and B. Kovács, "Error estimates for a splitting integrator for semilinear boundary coupled systems" , 2022.
P. Halffmann, L. Schäfer, K. Dächert, K. Klamroth and S. Ruzika, "Exact algorithms for multiobjective linear optimization problems with integer variables - a state of the art survey", Journal of Multicriteria Decision Analysis, 2022.
N. Edeko and H. Kreidler, "Distal systems in topological dynamics and ergodic theory", 2022.
A. Frommer and G. Ramirez-Hidalgo, "Deflated Multigrid Multilevel Monte Carlo", 2022.
S. Arora and J. Glück, "Criteria for eventual domination of operator semigroups and resolvents" in To appear in the Proceedings of IWOTA 2021, Lancaster, 2022.
J. Espinoza-Valverde, A. Frommer, G. Ramirez-Hidalgo and M. Rottmann, "Coarsest-level improvements in multigrid for lattice QCD on large-scale computers", CoRR, vol. abs/2205.09104, 2022.
R. Hosfeld, B. Jacob and F. L. Schwenninger, "Characterization of Orlicz admissibility", 2022.
J. Gorski, K. Klamroth and J. Sudhoff, "Biobjective optimization problems on matroids with binary costs", Optimization, 2022.
K. Maag, "Prediction Rating and Performance Improvement for Segmentation Networks by Time-Dynamic Uncertainty Estimates", Universität Wuppertal, Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften~…, 2021.
M. Stiglmayr and D. Gaul, "Projekt Ride-Hailing Wuppertal" in Erfolgsformeln -- Anwendungen der Mathematik, Matthias Ehrhardt and Michael Günther and Wil Schilders, Eds. 2021.
S. Goettlich and C. Totzeck, "Parameter calibration with stochastic gradient descent for interacting particle systems driven by neural networks", Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, vol. online, 2021.
B. Farkas, B. Nagy and S. G. Révész, "On the weighted Bojanov–Chebyshev Problem and the sum of translates method of Fenton" , 2021.
J. Glück, "On the decoupled Markov group conjecture", Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 240--247, 2021.
J. Glück, "On disjointness, bands and projections in partially ordered vector spaces" in Positivity and its applications, Birkh{\"a}user/Springer, Cham, 2021, pp. 141--171.
B. Farkas, M. Friesen, B. R{\"u}diger and D. Schroers, "On a class of stochastic partial differential equations with multiple invariant measures", NoDEA, 2021.
B. Jacob and H. Zwart, "Observability for port-Hamiltonian systems", European Control Conference (ECC), no. Preprint imacm_21_11, 2021.
A. Mironchenko, C. Kawan and J. Glück, "Nonlinear small-gain theorems for input-to-state stability of infinite interconnections", Math. Control Signals Systems, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 573--615, 2021.
P. Colling., L. Roese{-}Koerner., H. Gottschalk and M. Rottmann., "MetaBox+: A New Region based Active Learning Method for Semantic Segmentation using Priority Maps" in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - ICPRAM,, SciTePress, 2021, pp. 51-62.

ISBN: 978-989-758-486-2

G. Eichfelder, K. Klamroth and J. Niebling, "Nonconvex constrained optimization by a filtering branch and bound", Journal of Global Optimization, vol. 80, pp. 31-61, 2021.
M. Günther and A. Sandu, "Multirate Linearly-Implicit Gark Schemes" , 2021.
K. Klamroth, M. Stiglmayr and J. Sudhoff, "Multi-objective Matroid Optimization with Ordinal Weights", math.OC, vol. arXiv:2109.13804, 2021.
H. Gottschalk, M. Saadi and S. Schmitz,Method for operating a component that is cyclically loaded during operation, 2021.
M. Schubert, K. Kahl and M. Rottmann, "Metadetect: Uncertainty quantification and prediction quality estimates for object detection" in 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2021, pp. 1--10.
M. Burger, L. M. Kreusser and C. Totzeck, "Mean-field optimal control for biological pattern formation", ESAIM COCV, vol. 27, no. 40, 2021.
M. Burger, R. Pinnau, C. Totzeck and O. Tse, "Mean-field optimal control and optimality conditions in the space of probability measures", SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 977-1006, 2021.
B. Jacob, J. R. Partington, S. Pott, E. Rydhex and F. L. Schwenninger, "Laplace-Carleson embeddings and infinity-norm admissibility", no. Preprint imacm_21_30, 2021.
M. Puschmann, D. Hernangómez-Pérez, B. Lang, S. Bera and F. Evers, "Quartic Multifractality and Finite-Size Corrections at the Spin Quantum Hall Transition", Phys. Rev. B, vol. 103, pp. 235167:1-16, 2021.
S. Houben, S. Abrecht, M. Akila, A. Bar, F. Brockherde, P. Feifel, T. Fingscheidt, S. S. Gannamaneni, S. E. Ghobadi, A. Hammam and others, "Inspect, Understand, Overcome: A Survey of Practical Methods for AI Safety", 2021.
A. Frommer, B. Jacob, L. Vorberg, C. Wyss and I. Zwaan, "Pseudospectrum enclosures by discretization", Integral Equations and OperatorTheory, vol. 93, no. 9, 2021.
M. Muniz, M. Ehrhardt and R. Winkler, "Stochastic Runge-Kutta–Munthe-Kaas methods in the modelling of perturbed rigid bodies" , 2021.
M. W. F. M. Bannenberg, A. Ciccazzo and M. Günther, "Reduced Order Multirate Schemes for Coupled Differential-Algebraic Systems" , 2021.
H. Gottschalk and D. Siemssen, "The cosmological semiclassical Einstein equation as an infinite-dimensional dynamical system" in Annales Henri Poincaré, 2021, pp. 3915--3964.
J. Schultes, M. Stiglmayr, K. Klamroth and C. Hahn, "Hypervolume Scalarization for Shape Optimization to Improve Reliability and Cost of Ceramic Components", Optimization and Engineering, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 1203-1231, 2021.
K. Kowol., M. Rottmann., S. Bracke. and H. Gottschalk, "YOdar: Uncertainty-based Sensor Fusion for Vehicle Detection with Camera and Radar Sensors" in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 2: ICAART,, SciTePress, 2021, pp. 177-186.

ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8

B. Jacob and H. Laasri, "Well-posedness of infinite-dimensional non-autonomous passive boundary control systems", Evolution Equations and Control Theory, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 385-409, 2021.
M. Sugiyama, J. B. Schroder, B. S. Southworth and S. Friedhoff, "Weighted Relaxation for Multigrid Reduction in Time" , 2021.
J. Rosenzweig, E. Brito, H. Kobialka, M. Akila, N. M. Schmidt, P. Schlicht, J. D. Schneider, F. Hüger, M. Rottmann, S. Houben and others, "Validation of simulation-based testing: Bypassing domain shift with label-to-image synthesis" in 2021 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Workshops (IV Workshops), 2021, pp. 182--189.
N. Edeko and H. Kreidler,Uniform enveloping semigroupoids for groupoid actions, 2021.
A. Dobrick and J. Glück, "Uniform convergence of operator semigroups without time regularity", J. Evol. Equ., vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 5101--5134, 2021.
A. Clevenhaus and M. Ehrhardt, "The Parareal Algorithm and the Sparse Grid Combination Technique in the Application of the Heston Model" , 2021.
B. Jacob and N. Skrepek, "Stability of the multidimensional wave equation in port-Hamiltonian modelling" in 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Austin, 2021, pp. 6188-6193.
K. K. Sabirov, J. R. Yusupov, M. M. Aripov, M. Ehrhardt and D. U. Matrasulov, "Reflectionless propagation of Manakov solitons on a line: A model based on the concept of transparent boundary conditions" , 2021.
J. Glück and A. Mironchenko, "Stability criteria for positive linear discrete-time systems", Positivity, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 2029--2059, 2021.
S. Arora and J. Glück, "Spectrum and convergence of eventually positive operator semigroups", Semigroup Forum, vol. 103, no. 3, pp. 791--811, 2021.
H. Gottschalk, N. Rothe and D. Siemssen, "Special cosmological models derived from the semiclassical Einstein equation on flat FLRW space-times", General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology, vol. abs/2112.15050, no. Preprint imacm_22_02, 2021.

zuletzt bearbeitet am: 23.05.2023