- 2007
- 98.K. Klamroth and J. Tind, "Constrained optimization using multiple objective programming", Journal of Global Optimization, vol. 37, pp. 325--355, 2007.
- 97.M. Bischoff and K. Klamroth, "An efficient solution method for Weber problems with barriers based on genetic algorithms", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 177, pp. 22--41, 2007.
- 96.B. Jacob and J. R. Partington, "A resolvent test for admissibility of <prt>V</prt>olterra observation operators", J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 332, no. 1, pp. 346--355, 2007.
- 2006
- 95.A. Es-Sarhir and B. Farkas, "Perturbation for a class of transition semigroups on the <prt>H</prt>{\"o}lder space {C\sp θ\sb {b,<prt>\rm loc}}(H)</prt>", J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 315, no. 2, pp. 666-685, 2006.
- 94.A. Bartel and S. Knorr, "Wavelet-based Adaptive Grids for the Simulation of Multirate Partial Differential-Algebraic Equations" , 2006.
- 93.A. Bartel, S. Knorr and R. Pulch, "Wavelet-based Adaptive Grids for Multirate Partial Differential-Algebraic Equations" , 2006.
- 92.R. Pulch, "Transformation Qualities of Warped MPDAE Models" , 2006.
- 91.B. Farkas and S. G. R{\'e}v{\'e}sz, "Tiles with no spectra in dimension 4", Math. Scand., vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 44-52, 2006.
- 90.J. Greb and R. Pulch, "Simulation of Quasiperiodic Signals via Warped MPDAEs using Houben's Approach" , 2006.
- 89.B. Farkas and S. G. R{\'e}v{\'e}sz, "Rendezvous numbers of metric spaces--a potential theoretic approach", Arch. Math. (Basel), vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 268-281, 2006.
- 88.B. Farkas and S. G. R{\'e}v{\'e}sz, "Potential theoretic approach to rendezvous numbers", Monatsh. Math., vol. 148, no. 4, pp. 309-331, 2006.
- 87.R. Pulch, M. Günther and S. Knorr, "Multirate Partial Differential Algebraic Equations for Simulating Radio Frequency Signals" , 2006.
- 86.J. Eröd, "On the lower bound of the maximum of certain polynomials", East J. Approx., vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 477-501, 2006.
- 85.B. Jacob and J. R. Partington, "On controllability of diagonal systems with one-dimensional input space", Systems Control Lett., vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 321--328, 2006.
- 84.B. Farkas, M. Matolcsi and P. Móra, "On <prt>F</prt>uglede's conjecture and the existence of universal spectra", J. Fourier Anal. Appl., vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 483-494, 2006.
- 83.A. Bartel and R. Pulch, "A Concept for Classification of Partial Differential Algebraic Equations in Nanoelectronics" , 2006.
- 82.C. Emmerich, "Modelling Correlation as a Stochastic Process" , 2006.
- 81.B. Farkas and A. Lunardi, "Maximal regularity for <prt>K</prt>olmogorov operators in <prt>L\sp 2</prt> spaces with respect to invariant measures", J. Math. Pures Appl. (9), vol. 86, no. 4, pp. 310-321, 2006.
- 80.H. W. Hamacher and K. Klamroth,Lineare und Netzwerkoptimierung - Linear and Network Optimization. Bilingual Textbook. Vieweg, 2006.
- 79.R. Pulch, "Initial-boundary value problems of warped MPDAEs including minimisation criteria" , 2006.
- 78.X. Gandibleux and K. Klamroth, "Cardinality Bounds for Multiobjective Knapsack Problems" in Proceedings of the Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming Conference, 2006.
- 2005
- 77.R. Pulch, "Warped MPDAE Models including Minimisation Criteria for the Simulation of RF Signals" , 2005.
- 76.R. Pulch, "Variational Methods for Solving Warped Multirate PDAEs" , 2005.
- 75.B. Farkas and S. G. R{\'e}v{\'e}sz, "Rendezvous numbers in normed spaces", Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 423-440, 2005.
- 74.A. Es-Sarhir and B. Farkas, "Positivity of perturbed <prt>O</prt>rnstein-<prt>U</prt>hlenbeck semigroups on <prt>C\sb b(H)</prt>", Semigroup Forum, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 208--224, 2005.
- 73.P. M. Dearing, K. Klamroth and R. J. Segars, "Planar location problems with block distance and barriers", Annals of Operations Research, vol. 136, pp. 117--143, 2005.
- 72.S. Huang, R. Batta, K. Klamroth and R. Nagi, "K-connection location problem in a plane", Annals of Operations Research, vol. 136, pp. 193--209, 2005.
- 71.C. Kahl and M. Günther, "Complete the Correlation Matrix" , 2005.
- 70.B. Pfeiffer and K. Klamroth, "Bilinear programming formulations for Weber problems with continuous and network distances", Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, vol. 48, pp. 123--134, 2005.
- 69.C. Kahl and H. Schurz, "Balanced Milstein Methods for Ordinary SDEs" , 2005.
- 68.L. Frieß, K. Klamroth and M. Sprau, "A wavefront approach to center location problems with barriers", Annals of Operations Research, vol. 136, pp. 35--48, 2005.
- 2004
- 67.B. Jacob, "What is the better signal space for discrete-time systems: <prt>l_2(\Bbb Z)</prt> or <prt>l_2(\Bbb N_0)</prt>?", SIAM J. Control Optim., vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 1521--1534, 2004.
- 66.R. Pulch, "Warped MPDAE Models with Continuous Phase Conditions" , 2004.
- 65.M. Striebel and M. Günther, "Towards One-Step Multirate Methods in Chip Design" , 2004.
- 64.C. Kahl, M. Günther and T. Roßberg, "Structure preserving stochastic integration schemes in interest rate derivative modeling" , 2004.
- 63.J. J. Winkin, F. M. Callier, B. Jacob and J. R. Partington, "Spectral factorization by symmetric extraction for distributed parameter systems", SIAM J. Control Optim., vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 1435--1466, 2004.
- 62.S. Knorr and U. Feldmann, "Simulation of Pulsed Signals in MPDAE-Modelled SC-Circuits" , 2004.
- 61.R. Pulch, "Semidiscretisation Methods for Warped MPDAEs" , 2004.
- 60.G. Ali, A. Bartel and M. Günther, "Parabolic Differential-Algebraic Models in Electrical Network Design" , 2004.
- 59.B. Farkas, "Perturbations of bi-continuous semigroups with applications to transition semigroups on <prt>C\sb b(H)</prt>", Semigroup Forum, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 87-107, 2004.
- 58.S. Knorr and M. Günther, "Index Analysis of Multirate Partial Differential-Algebraic Systems in RF-Circuits" , 2004.
- 57.R. Pulch, "Multidimensional Models for Analysing Frequency Modulated Signals" , 2004.
- 56.R. Pulch, "Finite Difference Methods for Solving Warped Multirate Partial Differential Algebraic Equations" , 2004.
- 55.B. Jacob and H. Zwart, "Counterexamples concerning observation operators for <prt>C_0</prt>-semigroups", SIAM J. Control Optim., vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 137--153, 2004.
- 54.M. Ehrgott, K. Klamroth and C. Schwehm, "An MCDM approach to portfolio optimization", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 155, pp. 752--770, 2004.
- 53.K. Klamroth, "Algebraic properties of location problems with one circular barrier", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 154, pp. 20--35, 2004.
- 52.B. Jacob and J. R. Partington, "Admissible control and observation operators for <prt>V</prt>olterra integral equations", J. Evol. Equ., vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 333--343, 2004.
- 51.B. Jacob and J. R. Partington, "Admissibility of control and observation operators for semigroups: a survey" in Current trends in operator theory and its applications, Birkh{\"a}user, Basel, 2004, pp. 199--221.
- 50.M. Striebel and M. Günther, "A Charge Oriented Mixed Multirate Method for a special Class of Index-1 Network Equations in Chip Design" , 2004.
- 49.A. Bartel and U. Feldmann, "Modeling and Simulation for Thermal-Electric Coupling in an SOI-Circuit" , 2004.
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