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- 197.S. Wegner, "Projective limits of weighted <prt>LB</prt>-spaces of holomorphic functions", J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 383, no. 2, pp. 409--422, 2011.
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- 195.E. Just and B. Lang, "Success-Guided Selection of Expanded Systems for Result-Verifying Nonlinear Solvers" , 2011.
- 194.P. Willems and B. Lang, "Twisted Factorizations and qd-Type Transformations for the MR^3 Algorithm: New Representation and Analysis" , 2011.
- 193.S. Wegner, "Weighted <prt>PLB</prt>-spaces of continuous functions arising as tensor products of a <prt>F</prt>r{\'e}chet and a <prt>DF</prt>-space", Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas F\'<prt>\i</prt>s. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM, vol. 105, no. 1, pp. 85--96, 2011.
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- 190.M. Bolten, M. Donatelli and T. Huckle, "On the construction of grid transfer operators for multigrid methods" , 2011.
- 189.S. Schöps, H. De Gersem and A. Bartel, "Higher-Order Cosimulation of Field/Circuit Coupled Problems" , 2011.
- 188.D. Heubes, A. Bartel and M. Ehrhardt, "An Introduction to the Lattice Boltzmann Method for Coupled Problems" , 2011.
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- 186.M. Bolten, A. Brandt, J. Brannick, A. Frommer, K. Kahl and I. Livshits, "A Bootstrap Algebraic Multilevel Method for Markov Chains" , 2011.
- 185.S. Birk and A. Frommer, "A CG Method for Multiple Right Hand Sides and Multiple Shifts in Lattice {QCD} Calculations" , 2011.
- 184.P. Willems and B. Lang, "A Framework for the MR^3 Algorithm: Theory and Implementation" , 2011.
- 183.X. Antione, C. Besse, M. Ehrhardt and P. Klein, "Absorbing boundary conditions for solving N-dimensional stationary Schrödinger equations with unbounded potentials and nonlinearities. Applications to ground states computations" , 2011.
- 182.B. Farkas, "Adjoint bi-continuous semigroups and semigroups on the space of measures", Czech. J. Math., vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 309-322, 2011.
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ISBN: 978-83-232-2287-3
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- 173.A. Bartel, M. Brunk, M. Günther and S. Schöps, "Dynamic Iteration for Coupled Problems of Electric Circuits and Distributed Devices" , 2011.
- 172.A. Frommer, K. Kahl, T. Lippert and H. Rittich, "Error Bounds for the Sign Function" , 2011.
- 171.R. Pulch, "Generalised Polynomial Chaos for Semi-Explicit Differential Algebraic Equations of Index 1" , 2011.
- 170.A. Brandt, J. Brannick, K. Kahl and I. Livshits, "Bootstrap AMG" , 2011.
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- 169.P. Eskelinen, K. Miettinen, K. Klamroth and J. Hakanen, "Pareto navigator for interactive nonlinear multiobjective optimization", OR Spectrum, vol. 23, pp. 211--227, 2010.
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- 167.A. Thekale, T. Gradl, K. Klamroth and U. Rüde, "Optimizing the number of multigrid cycles in the full multigrid algorithm", Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, vol. 17, pp. 199--210, 2010.
- 166.B. Jacob, J. R. Partington and S. Pott, "Weighted interpolation in <prt>P</prt>aley-<prt>W</prt>iener spaces and finite-time controllability", J. Funct. Anal., vol. 259, no. 9, pp. 2424--2436, 2010.
- 165.R. Pulch, "Phase conditions for autonomous oscillators with random parameters" , 2010.
- 164.C. Wyss, "Riesz bases for <prt>p</prt>-subordinate perturbations of normal operators", J. Funct. Anal., vol. 258, no. 1, pp. 208--240, 2010.
- 163.M. Kaiser and A. Thekale, "Solving nonlinear feasibility problems with expensive functions" , 2010.
- 162.M. Kaiser, K. Klamroth and A. Thekale, "Test examples for nonlinear feasibility problems with expensive functions" , 2010.
- 161.X. Antione, C. Besse, M. Ehrhardt and P. Klein, "Modeling boundary conditions for solving stationary Schrödinger equations" , 2010.
- 160.R. Pulch, "Modelling and simulation of forced oscillators with random periods" , 2010.
- 159.S. Schöps, A. Bartel and H. De Gersem, "Multirate Time Integration of Field/Circuit Coupled Problems by Schur Complements" , 2010.
- 158.K. Mohaghegh, R. Pulch and J. Maten, "Model Order Reduction using Singularly Perturbed Systems" , 2010.
- 157.M. Ehrhardt, "Absorbing Boundary Condition for Hyperbolic Systems" , 2010.
- 156.M. Striebel and J. Rommes, "Model order reduction of parameterized nonlinear systems by interpolating input-output behavior" , 2010.
- 155.G. Ali, A. Bartel, M. Brunk and S. Schöps, "A convergent iteration scheme for semiconductor/circuit coupled problems" , 2010.
- 154.E. Dremkova and M. Ehrhardt, "A high-order compact method for nonlinear Black-Scholes option pricing equations of American Options" , 2010.
- 153.M. Beitz and M. Ehrhardt, "A New Method for Stress Testing on Investment Products" , 2010.
- 152.S. Schöps, H. De Gersem and A. Bartel, "A Cosimulation Framework for Multirate Time-Integration of Field/Circuit Coupled Problems" , 2010.
- 151.X. Antione, C. Besse, M. Ehrhardt and P. Klein, "Absorbing boundary conditions for solving stationary Schrödinger equations" , 2010.
- 150.K. Dächert, J. Gorski and K. Klamroth, "An Adaptive Augmented Weighted Tchebycheff Method to Solve Discrete, Integer-Valued Bicriteria Optimization Problems" , 2010.
- 149.M. Ehrhardt, "An Introduction to Fluid-Porous Interface Coupling" , 2010.
zuletzt bearbeitet am: 24.06.2022