A. Schenkel and C. Uhlemann, "Quantization of the massive gravitino on FRW spacetimes" , 2012.
M. Benini, C. Dappiaggi and A. Schenkel, "Quantum field theory on affine bundles" , 2012.
B. Tasić, J. J. Dohmen, E. J. W. Maten, T. G. J. Beelen, W. H. A. Schilders, A. Vries and M. Beurden, "Robust DC and efficient time-domain fast fault simulation" , 2012.
J. -. Cortés, M. Ehrhardt, A. Sánchez-Sánchez, F. -. Santonja and R. -. Villanueva, "Modelling the dynamics of the students academic performance in the German region of North Rhine-Westphalia" , 2012.
R. Pulch, "Stochastic Collocation and Stochastic Galerkin Methods for Linear Differential Algebraic Equations" , 2012.
R. Pulch, "Stochastic Galerkin methods for analysing equilibria of random dynamical systems" , 2012.
M. Wandelt, M. Günther and M. Striebel, "Symmetric, Time-Reversible and Volume-Preserving Projection Methods for Differential Equations on Manifolds: the Non-Abelian Case" , 2012.
A. Zisowsky, A. Arnold, M. Ehrhardt and T. Koprucki, "Transient Simulation of kp-Schr\"odinger Systems using Discrete Transparent Boundary Conditions" , 2012.
J. -. Cortés, M. Ehrhardt, A. Sánchez-Sánchez, F. -. Santonja and R. -. Villanueva, "Modelling the dynamics of the students academic performance in the German region of North Rhine-Westphalia: an epidemiological approach with uncertainty" , 2012.
B. Jacob and K. Morris, "Second-order systems with acceleration measurements", IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 690--700, 2012.
B. Jacob and H. Zwart,Linear port-<prt>H</prt>amiltonian systems on infinite-dimensional spaces. Birkh{\"a}user/Springer Basel AG, Basel, 2012.

ISBN: 978-3-0348-0398-4

M. Galgon, L. Krämer and B. Lang, "Counting eigenvalues and improving the integration in the FEAST algorithm" , 2012.
T. Hack and A. Schenkel, "Linear bosonic and fermionic quantum gauge theories on curved spacetimes" , 2012.
M. Ehrhardt and R. Mickens, "A Nonstandard Finite Difference Scheme for Convection-Diffusion Equations having Constant Coefficients" , 2012.
R. Pulch, "A stochastic model for analysing the global stability of oscillators" , 2012.
H. Gottschalk and H. Thaler, "A triviality result in the AdS/CFT correspondence for Euclidean quantum fields with exponential interaction" , 2012.
M. Bolten, M. Donatelli and T. Huckle, "Aggregation-Based Multigrid Methods for circulant and {Toeplitz} Matrices" , 2012.
K. Dächert, J. Gorski and K. Klamroth, "An augmented weighted Tchebycheff method with adaptively chosen parameters for discrete bicriteria optimization problems", Computers and Operations Research, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 2929–2943, 2012.
K. Kahl and H. Rittich, "Analysis of the Deflated Conjugate Gradient Method Based on Symmetric Multigrid Theory" , 2012.
B. Jacob, J. Partington and S. Pott, "Applications of Laplace--Carleson embeddings to admissibility and controllability" , 2012.
D. Heubes, A. Bartel and M. Ehrhardt, "Characteristic Boundary Conditions in the Lattice Boltzmann Method for Fluid and Gas Dynamics" , 2012.
R. German and M. Ehrhardt, "Conservative and Finite Volume Methods for the convection-dominated Pricing Problem" , 2012.
T. Doorn, J. Maten, A. Di Bucchianico, T. Beelen and R. Janssen, "Access Time Optimization of SRAM Memory with Statistical Yield Constraint" , 2012.
C. Kaufmann, M. Günther, D. Klagges, M. Richwin, S. Schöps and J. Maten, "Coupled Heat-Electromagnetic Simulation of Inductive Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles" , 2012.
E. J. W. Maten, R. Pulch, W. H. A. Schilders and H. H. J. M. Janssen, "Efficient Calculation of Uncertainty Quantification" , 2012.
A. Frommer, A. Nobile and P. Zingler, "Deflation and Flexible SAP-Preconditioning of GMRES in Lattice QCD Simulation" , 2012.
C. Wyss, B. Jacob and H. Zwart, "Hamiltonians and <prt>R</prt>iccati equations for linear systems with unbounded control and observation operators", SIAM J. Control Optim., vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 1518--1547, 2012.
J. Gorski, K. Klamroth and S. Ruzika, "Generalized multiple objective bottleneck problems", Operations Research Letters, vol. 40, no. Preprint: imacm_10_20, pp. 276--281, 2012.
C. Kaufmann, M. Günther, D. Klagges, M. Knorrenschild, M. Richwin, S. Schöps and J. Maten, "Efficient frequency-transient co-simulation of coupled heat-electromagnetic problems" , 2012.
A. Raith, S. Moradi, M. Ehrgott and M. Stiglmayr, "Exploring Bi-Objective Column Generation" in Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Operations Research Society of New Zealand (ORSNZ), John Haywood, Eds. 2012.
B. Eltzner and H. Gottschalk, "Dynamical Backreaction in Robertson-Walker Spacetime" , 2012.
L. Paquete, M. Jaschob, K. Klamroth and J. Gorski, "Dynamic programming for a biobjective search problem in a line" in Proceedings of COCOA 2012, 2012, pp. 348--359.
A. Rong, J. R. Figueira and K. Klamroth, "Dynamic programming based algorithms for the discounted 0-1 knapsack problem", Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 218, pp. 6921--6933, 2012.
L. Krämer, E. Di Napoli, M. Galgon, B. Lang and P. Bientinesi, "Dissecting the FEAST algorithm for generalized eigenproblems" , 2012.
F. Pfeuffer, M. Stiglmayr and K. Klamroth, "Discrete and geometric Branch and Bound algorithms for medical image registration", Annals of Operations Research, vol. 196, no. 1, pp. 737-765, 2012. Springer.
J. Virtanen, E. J. W. Maten, T. Beelen, M. Honkala and M. Hulkkonen, "Initial conditions and robust Newton-Raphson for Harmonic Balance analysis of free-running oscillators" , 2011.
D. Shcherbakov and M. Ehrhardt, "Multistep Methods for Lattice QCD Simulations" , 2011.
B. Rüdiger and S. Tappe, "Isomorphisms for spaces of predictable processes and an extension of the It\^o integralfor Simulation of Oil Pollution" , 2011.
Q. A Dang, M. Ehrhardt, G. Tran and D. Le, "Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Algorithms for Simulation of Oil Pollution" , 2011.
D. Sieg and S. Wegner, "Maximal exact structures on additive categories", Math. Nachr., vol. 284, no. 16, pp. 2093--2100, 2011.
A. Belova, M. Ehrhardt and T. Shmidt, "Meshfree Methods in Option Pricing" , 2011.
M. Nguyen and M. Ehrhardt, "Modelling and Numerical Valuation of Power Derivatives in Energy Markets" , 2011.
L. De Tommasi, T. G. J. Beelen, M. F. Sevat, J. Rommes and E. J. W. Maten, "Multi-objective optimization of RF circuit blocks via surrogate models and NBI and SPEA2 methods" , 2011.
M. Wandelt, M. Günther, F. Knechtli and M. Striebel, "Symmetric Partitioned Runge-Kutta Methods for Differential Equations on Lie Groups" , 2011.
B. H. Haak and B. Jacob, "Observation of <prt>V</prt>olterra systems with scalar kernels", J. Integral Equations Appl., vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 421--436, 2011.
A. Bátkai, P. Csomós, B. Farkas and G. Nickel, "Operator splitting for non-autonomous evolution equations", J. Funct. Anal, vol. 260, pp. 2163-2190, 2011.
S. Wegner, "Projective limits of weighted <prt>LB</prt>-spaces of holomorphic functions", J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 383, no. 2, pp. 409--422, 2011.
R. Mirzavand Boroujeni, E. J. W. Maten, T. Beelen, W. Schilders and A. Abdipour, "Robust periodic steady state analysis of autonomous oscillators based on generalized eigenvalues" , 2011.
E. Just and B. Lang, "Success-Guided Selection of Expanded Systems for Result-Verifying Nonlinear Solvers" , 2011.
P. Willems and B. Lang, "Twisted Factorizations and qd-Type Transformations for the MR^3 Algorithm: New Representation and Analysis" , 2011.

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