Preprints 2020

  • A Non-Equilibrium Bounce-Back Boundary Condition for thermal multispeed LBM

    Klass, F. and Gabbana, A. and Bartel, A.

    Preprint: imacm_20_60 download
  • Improving Video Instance Segmentation by Light-weight Temporal Uncertainty Estimates

    Maag, K. and Rottmann, M. and Hüger, F. and Schlicht, P. and Gottschalk, H.

    Preprint: imacm_20_59 download
  • Entropy Maximization and Meta Classification for Out-Of-Distribution Detection in Semantic Segmentation

    Chan, R. and Rottmann, M. and Gottschalk, H.

    Preprint: imacm_20_58 download
  • A Two-Step Darwin Model Time Domain Formulation for Quasistatic Electromagnetic Field Calculations

    Clemens, M. and Kasolis, F. and Henkel, M.L., Kähne, B. and M. Günther, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_57 download (Updated on Feb. 8th, 2021)
  • A Convenient Infinite Dimensional Framework for Generative Adversarial Learning

    Asatryan, H. and Gottschalk, H. and Lippert, M. and Rottmann, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_56 download
  • Transparent boundary conditions for the sine-Gordon equation

    Sabirov, K.K. and Yusupov, J.R. and Ehrhardt, M. and Matrasulov, D.U.

    Preprint: imacm_20_55 download
  • Energy markets forecasting. From Inferential Statistics to Machine Learning: the German case

    Viviani, E. and Di Persio, L. and Ehrhardt, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_54 download
  • PyMGRIT: A Python Package for the parallel-in-time method MGRIT

    Hahne, J. and Friedhoff, S. and Bolten, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_53 download
  • Huber, S. and Futamura, Y. and Galgon, M. and Imakura, A. and Lang, B. and Sakurai, T.

    Preprint: imacm_20_52 download
  • On the equivalence of the Hermitian eigenvalue problem and hypergraph edge elimination

    Kahl, K. and Lang, B.

    Preprint: imacm_20_51 download
  • Integrability and approximability of solutions of the stationary diffusion equation with Lévy coefficient

    Ernst, O. and Gottschalk, H. and Kalmes, T. and Kowalevitz, T. and Reese, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_50 download
  • MetaDetect: Uncertainty Quantification and Prediction Quality Estimates for Object Detection

    Schubert, M. and Kahl, K. and Rottmann, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_49 download
  • On Coercivity and the Frequency Domain Condition in Indefinite LQ-Control

    Damm, T. and Jacob, B.

    Preprint: imacm_20_48 download
  • Numerical and semi-numerical solutions of a modified Thévenin model with application to the dynamic analysis of electrochemical batteries

    Fatoorehchi, H. and Ehrhardt, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_47 download
  • Maximum Entropy Snapshot Sampling for Reduced Basis Modelling

    Bannenberg, M.W.F.M. and Kasolis, F. and Günther, M. and Clemens, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_46 download
  • An ADI Sparse Grid method for pricing efficiently American Options under the Heston model

    Clevenhaus, A. and Ehrhardt, M. and Günther, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_45 download
  • MetaBox+: A new Region Based Active Learning Method for Semantic Segmentation using Priority Maps

    Colling, P. and Roese-Koerner, L. and Gottschalk, H. and Rottmann, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_44 download
  • YOdar: Uncertainty-based Sensor Fusion for Vehicle Detection with Camera and Radar Sensors

    Kowol, K., and Rottmann, M. and Bracke, S. and Gottschalk, H.

    Preprint: imacm_20_43 download
  • Deep Learning algorithms for solving high dimensional nonlinear Backward Stochastic Differential Equations

    Kapllani, L. and Teng, L.

    Preprint: imacm_20_42 download
  • Detection of Iterative Adversarial Attacks via Counter Attack

    Rottmann, M. and Peyron, M. and Krejic, N. and Gottschalk, H.

    Preprint: imacm_20_41 download
  • Operator splitting for abstract Cauchy problems with dynamical boundary condition

    Csomos, P. and Ehrhardt, M., and Farkas, B.

    Preprint: imacm_20_40 download
  • Efficient and Sparse Neural Networks by Pruning Weights in a Multiobjective Learning Approach

    Reiners, M. and Klamroth K. and Stiglmayr, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_39 download
  • Computing Representations using Hypervolume Scalarizations

    Paquete, L. and Schulze, B. and Stiglmayr, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_38 download
  • Decision Space Robustness for Multi-Objective Integer Linear Programming

    Stiglmayr, M. and Figueira, J.R. and Klamroth, K. and Paquete, L. and Schulze, B.

    Preprint: imacm_20_37 download
  • Riesz bases of port-Hamiltonian systems

    Jacob, B. and Kaiser, J.T. and Zwart, H.

    Preprint: imacm_20_36 download
  • High-order combined Multi-step Scheme for solving forward Backward Stochastic Differential Equations

    Teng, L. and Zhao, W.

    Preprint: imacm_20_35 download
  • Analysis of probing techniques for sparse approximation and trace estimation of decaying matrix functions

    Frommer, A. and Schimmel, C. and Schweitzer, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_34 download
  • Network Simulation for Pedestrian Flows with HyDEFS

    Klamroth, K. and Lang, B. and Seyfried, A. and Siglmayr, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_33 download

    Chow, E. and Frommer, A. and Szyld, D.B.

    Preprint: imacm_20_32 download
  • A refinement of Baillon's theorem on maximal regularity

    Jacob, B. and Schwenninger, F. and Wintermayr, J.

    Preprint: imacm_20_31 download
  • Towards a Koopman theory for dynamical systems on completely regular spaces

    Farkas, B. and Kreidler, H.

    Preprint: imacm_20_30 download
  • On a class of SPDEs with multiple invariant measures

    Farkas, B. and Friesen, M. and Rüdiger, B. and Schroers, D.

    Preprint: imacm_20_29 download
  • Dynamic iteration schemes and port-Hamiltonian formulation in coupled DAE circuit simulation

    Günther, M. and Bartel, A. and Jacob, B. and Reis, T.

    Preprint: imacm_20_28 download
  • Linearly implicit GARK schemes

    Sandu, A. and Günther, M. and Roberts, S.

    Preprint: imacm_20_27 download
  • Beyond moments: relativistic Lattice-Boltzmann methods for radiative transport in computational astrophysics

    Weih, L.R., and Gabbana, A., and Simeoni, D., and Rezzolla, L. and Succi, S. and Tripiccione, R.

    Preprint: imacm_20_26download
  • Probing bulk viscosity in relativistic flows

    Gabbana, A., and Simeoni, D., and Succi, S. and Tripiccione, R.

    Preprint: imacm_20_25download
  • Dissipative hydrodynamics of relativistic shock waves in a Quark Gluon Plasma: comparing and benchmarking alternate numerical methods

    Gabbana, A. and Plumari, S., and Galesi, G. and Greco, V. and Simeoni, D., and Succi, S. and Tripiccione, R.

    Preprint: imacm_20_24download
  • Detection and Retrieval of Out-of-Distribution Objects in Semantic Segmentation

    Oberdiek, P. and Rottmann, M., and Fink, G.A.

    Preprint: imacm_20_23download
  • Coupling of Model Order Reduction and Multirate Techniques for Coupled Dynamical Systems

    Bannenberg, M.W.F.M., Ciccazzo, A., Günther, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_22download
  • Pricing Basket Default Swaps Using Quasi-Analytic Techniques

    Umeorah, N. and Mashele P. and Ehrhardt, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_21download
  • On uniqueness and stability for the Boltzmann-Enskog equation

    Friesen, M., Rüdiger, B., Sundar, P.

    Preprint: imacm_20_20download
  • Input-to-state stability of unbounded bilinear control systems

    Hosfeld, R. and Jacob, B. and Schwenninger, F.

    Preprint: imacm_20_19download
  • Pseudospectrum enclosures by discretization

    Frommer, A. and Jacob, B. and Vorberg, L. and Wyss, C. and Zwaan, I.

    Preprint: imacm_20_18download
  • An Analytical Study in Multi Physics and Multi Criteria Shape Optimization

    Gottschalk, H. and Reese, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_17download
  • Relative compactness of orbits and geometry of Banach spaces

    Farkas, B. and Kreidler, H

    Preprint: imacm_20_16download
  • A multigrid accelerated eigensolver for the Hermitian Wilson-Dirac operator in lattice QCD

    Frommer, A. and Kahl, K. and Knechtli, F. and Rottmann, M. and Strebel, A. and Zwaan, I.

    Preprint: imacm_20_15download Supplement:
  • On the decomposition of the fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation via solutions of iterative parabolic equations

    Petrov, P. and Ehrhardt, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_14download
  • Spontaneous wave formation in stochastic self-driven particle systems

    Friesen, M., and Gottschalk, H. and Rüdiger, B. and Tordeux, A.

    Preprint: imacm_20_13download
  • Remarks on input-to-state stability of collocated systems with saturated feedback

    Jacob, B. and Schwenninger F. and Vorberg, L.

    Preprint: imacm_20_12download
  • Operator splitting for abstract Cauchy problems with dynamical boundary condition

    Csomos, P. and Ehrhardt, M. and Farkas, B.

    Preprint: imacm_20_11download
  • Tracing locally Pareto optimal points by numerical integration

    Bolten, M. and Doganay, O.T. and Gottschalk, H. and Klamroth, K.

    Preprint: imacm_20_10download

    Liefke, A. and Jaksch, P. and Schmitz, S. and Marciniak, V. and Janoske, U. and Gottschalk, H.

    Preprint: imacm_20_09download
  • Coarsening in Algebraic Multigrid using Gaussian Processes

    Gottschalk, H. and Kahl, K.

    Preprint: imacm_20_08download
  • Pricing American Options with a Non-constant Penalty Parameter

    Clevenhaus, A. and Ehrhardt, M., and Günther, M. and Sevcovic, D.

    Preprint: imacm_20_07download
  • Dirac Particles in Transparent Quantum Graphs: Tunable transport of relativistic quasiparticles in branched structures

    Yusupov, J.R. and Sabirov, K.K. and Asadov, Q.U. and Ehrhardt, M. and Matrasulov, D.U.

    Preprint: imacm_20_06download
  • Approximating correlation matrices using stochastic Lie group methods

    Muniz, M., Ehrhardt, M., Günther, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_05download
  • Hypervolume Scalarization for Shape Optimization to Improve Reliability and Cost of Ceramic Components

    Schultes, J. and Stiglmayr, M. and Klamroth, K., and Hahn, C.

    Preprint: imacm_20_04download
  • Towards a more robust algorithm for computing the restricted singular value decomposition

    Zwaan, I.N.

    Preprint: imacm_20_03download
  • GivEn – Shape Optimization for Gas Turbines in Volatile Energy Networks

    Backhaus, J. and Bolten, M. and Doganay, O.T., and Ehrhardt, M. and Engel, B. and Frey, Ch. and Gottschalk, H. and Günther, M. and Hahn, C., Jaschke, J., and Jaksch, P. and Klamroth, K. and Liefke, A. and Luft, D. Mäde, L. and Marciniak, V. and Reese, M. and Schultes, J. and Schulz, V. and Schmitz, S. and Steiner, J. and Stiglmayr, M.

    Preprint: imacm_20_02download
  • Effective Stochastic Volatility: Applications to ZABR-type Models

    Felpel, M., and Kienitz, J. and McWalter, Th. A.

    Preprint: imacm_20_01download

zuletzt bearbeitet am: 08.02.2021