Preprints 2018

  • The Enskog process for hard and soft potentials

    Friesen, M. and Rüdiger, B., and Sundar, P.

    Preprint: imacm_18_34download
  • Dichotomous Hamiltonians and Riccati equations for systems with unbounded control and observation operators

    Wyss, Ch.

    Preprint: imacm_18_33download
  • Existence of limiting distribution for affine processes

    Jin, P. and Kremer, J. and Rüdiger, B.

    Preprint: imacm_18_32download
  • Moments and ergodicity of the jump-diffusion CIR process

    Jin, P. and Kremer, J., and Rüdiger, B.

    Preprint: imacm_18_31download
  • Exponential ergodicity of an affine two-factor model based on the α-root process

    Jin, P. and Kremer, J., and Rüdiger, B.

    Preprint: imacm_18_30download
  • Using Adjoint CFD to Quantify the Impact of Manufacturing Variations on a Heavy Duty Turbine Vane

    Liefke, A. and Marciniak, V. and Janoske, U. and Gottschalk, H.

    Preprint: imacm_18_29download
  • Exploring Parallel-in-Time Approaches for Eddy Current Problems

    Friedhoff, S. and Hahne, J. and Kulchytska-Ruchka, I. and Schöps, S.

    Preprint: imacm_18_28download
  • On stochastic Cucker-Smale ocking dynamics

    Friesen, M., and Kutoviy, O.

    Preprint: imacm_18_27download
  • On the Rectangular Knapsack Problem - Approximation of a Specific Quadratic Knapsack Problem

    Schulze, B. and Klamroth, K. and Stiglmayr, M.

    Preprint: imacm_18_26download
  • Multi-Objective Unconstrained Combinatorial Optimization: A Polynomial Bound on the Number of Extreme Supported Solutions

    Schulze, B. and Stiglmayr, M. and Paquete, L. and Fonseca, C.M. and Willems, D. and Ruzika, S.

    Preprint: imacm_18_25download
  • Existence of densities for stochastic di erential equations driven by Lévy processes with anisotropic jumps

    Friesen, M. and Jin, P. and Rüdiger, B.

    Preprint: imacm_18_24download
  • Existence of densities for multi-type CBI processes

    Friesen, M. and Jin, P. and Rüdiger, B.

    Preprint: imacm_18_23download
  • Wiener's lemma along primes and other subsequences

    Cuny, Ch. and Eisner, T. and Farkas, B.

    Preprint: imacm_18_22download
  • A Desch-Schappacher Perturbation Theorem for Bi-Continuous Semigroups

    Budde, Ch. and Farkas, B.

    Preprint: imacm_18_21download
  • Intermediate and Extrapolated Spaces for Bi-Continuous Operator Semigroups

    Budde, Ch. and Farkas, B.

    Preprint: imacm_18_20download
  • Solar Energy Forecasting: from classical statistical approaches to innovative machine learning based models

    Di Persio, L. and Ehrhardt, M. and Verzé, B.

    Preprint: imacm_18_19download
  • Prediction Error Meta Classification in Semantic Segmentation: Detection via Aggregated Dispersion Measures of Softmax Probabilities

    Rottmann, M. and Colling, P. and Hack, Th.P. and Hüger, F. and Schlicht, P. and Gottschalk, H.

    Preprint: imacm_18_18download
  • A new methodology to create valid time-dependent correlation matrices via isospectral flows

    Teng, L. and Wu, X., Günther, M. and Ehrhardt, M.

    Preprint: imacm_18_17download
  • Transparent Quantum Graphs

    Yusupov, J. and Sabirov, K.K. and Ehrhardt, M. and Matrasulov, D.U.

    Preprint: imacm_18_16download
  • Shape optimization of a PM synchronous machine under probabilistic constraints

    Putek, P. and ter Maten, E.J.W. and Günther, M. and Bartel, A.

    Preprint: imacm_18_15download
  • A Thermal Extension of Tellinen’s Scalar Hysteresis Model

    Kühn, J. and Bartel, A. and Putek, P.

    Preprint: imacm_18_14download
  • A Multi-step Scheme based on Cubic Spline for solving Backward Stochastic Differential Equations

    Teng, L. and Lapitckii, A. and Günther, M.

    Preprint: imacm_18_13download
  • The Cosmological Semiclassical Einstein Equation as an Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical System

    Gottschalk, H. and Siemssen, D.

    Preprint: imacm_18_12download
  • Compartment Models for Vaccine Effectiveness and non-specific Effects for Tuberculosis

    Treibert, S. and Brunner, H. and Ehrhardt, M.

    Preprint: imacm_18_11download
  • Prospects for the detection of electronic pre-turbulence in graphene

    Gabbana, A. and Polini, M. and Succi, S. and Tripiccione, R. and Pellegrino, F.M.D.

    Preprint: imacm_18_10download
  • Numerical solution of iterative parabolic equations approximating the nonlinear Helmholtz equation

    Petrov, P.S. and Tyshchenko, A.G. and Ehrhardt, M.

    Preprint: imacm_18_09download
  • Effect of local anisotropy on fatigue crack initiation in a coarse grained nickel-base superalloy

    Engel, B. and Beck, T. and Moch, N. and Gottschalk, H. and Schmitz, S.

    Preprint: imacm_18_08download
  • Classification Uncertainty of Deep Neural Networks Based on Gradient Information

    Oberdiek, P. and Rottmann, M. and Gottschalk, H.

    Preprint: imacm_18_07download
  • Deep Bayesian Active Semi-Supervised Learning

    Rottmann, M. and Kahl, K. and Gottschalk, H.

    Preprint: imacm_18_06download
  • Shape Gradients for the Failure Probability of a Mechanic Component under Cyclic Loading
    A Discrete Adjoint Approach

    Gottschalk, H. and Saadi, M.

    Preprint: imacm_18_05download

    Gottschalk, H. and Saadi, M. and Doganay, O.T. and Klamroth, K. and Schmitz, S.

    Preprint: imacm_18_04download
  • A Review of Tree-based Approaches to solve Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations

    Teng, L.

    Preprint: imacm_18_03download
  • The Two-dimensional Tree-Grid Method

    Kossaczký, I. and Ehrhardt, M. and Günther, M.

    Preprint: imacm_18_02download
  • Non-Toeplitz decay bounds for inverses of Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal matrices

    Frommer, A. and Schimmel, C. and Schweitzer, M.

    Preprint: imacm_18_01download

zuletzt bearbeitet am: 14.02.2020