B. Jacob and K. Morris, "Root locii for systems defined on <prt>H</prt>ilbert spaces", IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 116--128, 2016.
Z. Bučková, J. Halgašová and B. Stehlíková, "Short rate as a sum of two CKLS-type processes" , 2016.
J. Glück, "Spectral and asymptotic properties of contractive semigroups on non-Hilbert spaces", J. Operator Theory, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 3--31, 2016.
C. Hachtel, A. Bartel and M. Günther, "Stability and Error Analysis for Coupled Multirate-MOR Methods" , 2016.
K. Kahl and H. Rittich, "The Deflated Conjugate Gradient Method: Convergence, Perturbation and Accuracy" , 2016.
S. Wegner, "The growth bound for strongly continuous semigroups on <prt>F</prt>r{\'e}chet spaces", Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (2), vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 801--810, 2016.
B. Jacob, M. Langer and C. Trunk, "Variational principles for self-adjoint operator functions arising from second-order systems", Oper. Matrices, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 501--531, 2016.
B. Farkas and S. Wegner, "Variations on <prt>B</prt>arbalat's lemma", Amer. Math. Monthly, vol. 123, no. 8, pp. 825--830, 2016.
P. Petrov, D. Makarov and M. Ehrhardt, "Wide-angle parabolic approximations for the nonlinear Helmholtz equation in the Kerr media" , 2016.
P. Putek, R. Janssen, J. Niehof, E. Maten, R. Pulch, B. Tasić and M. Günther, "Nanoelectronic coupled problem solutions: Uncertainty Quantification of RFIC Interference" , 2016.
L. Teng, M. Ehrhardt and M. Günther, "Quanto Pricing in Stochastic Correlation Models" , 2016.
I. Kossaczký, M. Ehrhardt and M. Günther, "Modifications of the PCPT Method for HJB Equations" , 2016.
M. Schweitzer, "Error bounds and estimates for rational Krylov subspace approximations of Stieltjes matrix functions" , 2016.
L. Bittner, H. Gottschalk, M. Gröger, N. Moch, M. Saadi and S. Schmitz, "Modeling, Minimizing and Managing the Risk of Fatigue for Mechanical Components" , 2016.
J. Glück, "A note on approximation of operator semigroups", Arch. Math. (Basel), vol. 106, no. 3, pp. 265--273, 2016.
[English] B. Farkas, "A note on the periodic decomposition problem for semigroups", Semigroup Forum, vol. {92}, no. 3, pp. 587-597, 2016.
M. Schweitzer, "A two-sided short-recurrence extended Krylov subspace method for nonsymmetric matrices and its relation to rational moment matching" , 2016.
D. Shcherbakov, M. Ehrhardt, J. Finkenrath, M. Günther, F. Knechtli and M. Peardon, "Adapted nested force-gradient integrators: the Schwinger model case" , 2016.
B. Jacob, J. R. Partington, S. Pott and A. Wynn, "Beta-admissibility of observation and control operators for hypercontractive semigroups" , 2016.
C. Alexandrou, S. Bacchio, J. Finkenrath, A. Frommer, K. Kahl and M. Rottman, "DDalphaAMG for Twisted Mass Fermions" , 2016.
C. Wyss, "Dichotomy, spectral subspaces and unbounded projections" in Operator theory, function spaces, and applications, Birkh{\"a}user/Springer, Cham, 2016, pp. 221--233.
C. Alexandrou, S. Bacchio, J. Finkenrath, A. Frommer, K. Kahl and M. Rottman, "Adaptive Aggregation-based Domain Decomposition Multigrid for Twisted Mass Fermions" , 2016.
D. Daners, J. Glück and J. B. Kennedy, "Eventually and asymptotically positive semigroups on Banach lattices", J. Differential Equations, vol. 261, no. 5, pp. 2607--2649, 2016.
B. Tasić, J. Dohmen, R. Janssen, E. Maten, T. Beelen and R. Pulch, "Fast Time-Domain Simulation for Reliable Fault Detection" , 2016.
T. Beelen, J. Dohmen, E. Maten and T. B., "Fitting generalized Gaussian distributions for Process Capability Index" , 2016.
T. Jax and G. Steinebach, "Generalized ROW-Type Methods for Solving Semi-Explicit DAEs of Index-1" , 2016.
K. Kahl and N. Kintscher, "Geometric Multigrid for the tight-binding Hamiltonian of graphene" , 2016.
C. Hendricks, M. Ehrhardt and M. Günther, "Hybrid finite difference / pseudospectral methods for the Heston and Heston-Hull-White PDE" , 2016.
C. Hendricks, M. Ehrhardt and M. Günther, "Hybrid finite difference/pseudospectral methods for the Heston and Heston-Hull-White PDE" , 2016.
Z. Bučková, P. Pólvora, M. Ehrhardt and M. Günther, "Implementation of alternating direction explicit methods for higher dimensional Black-Scholes equations" , 2016.
J. Hahne, M. Helias, S. Kunkel, J. Igarashi, I. Kitayama, B. Wylie, M. Bolten, A. Frommer and M. Diesmann, "Including gap junctions into distributed neuronal network simulations" , 2016.
D. Daners, J. Glück and J. B. Kennedy, "Eventually positive semigroups of linear operators", J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 433, no. 2, pp. 1561--1593, 2016.
I. Kossaczký, M. Ehrhardt and M. Günther, "On the Non-Existence of Higher Order Monotone Approximation Schemes for HJB Equations" , 2015.
J. Glück, "On weak decay rates and uniform stability of bounded linear operators", Arch. Math. (Basel), vol. 104, no. 4, pp. 347--356, 2015.
M. Winklmeier and C. Wyss, "On the spectral decomposition of dichotomous and bisectorial operators", Integral Equations Operator Theory, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 119--150, 2015.
B. Augner, B. Jacob and H. Laasri, "On the right multiplicative perturbation of non-autonomous <prt>L^p</prt>-maximal regularity", J. Operator Theory, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 391--415, 2015.
K. Klamroth, R. Lacour and D. Vanderpooten, "On the representation of the search region in multi-objective optimization", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 245, pp. 767--778, 2015.
M. Günther, C. Hachtel and A. Sandu, "Multirate GARK schemes for multiphysics problems" , 2015.
L. Teng, M. Ehrhardt and M. Günther, "On the Heston model with Stochastic Correlation" , 2015.
L. Teng, M. Ehrhardt and M. Günther, "Numerical Simulation of the Heston model with Stochastic Correlation" , 2015.
E. Maten, P. Putek, M. Günther, C. Tischendorf, C. Strohm, W. Schoenmaker, P. Meuris, B. Smedt, P. Benner, L. Feng, N. Banagaaya, Y. Yue, R. Janssen, J. Dohmen and B. e. a. Tasic, "Nanoelectronic COupled Problems Solutions - nanoCOPS" , 2015.
E. Maten, M. Günther, P. Putek, P. Benner, L. Feng, J. Schneider, H. Brachtendorf, K. Bittner, F. Deleu, A. Wieers, R. Janssen, T. Kratochvil, T. Gotthans, R. Pulch, Q. Liu, P. Reynier, W. Schoenmaker, P. Merius, S. Schöps, H. De Gersem, C. Tischendorf and C. Strohm, "nanoCOPS: Nanoelectronic COupled Problem Solutions" , 2015.
X. Wu, B. Jacob and H. Elbern, "Optimal Actuator and Observation Location for Time-Varying Systems on a Finite-Time Horizon" , 2015.
T. Eisner, B. Farkas, M. Haase and R. Nagel, Operator Theoretic Aspects of Ergodic Theory. .... Springer, 2015.
B. Augner, "Well-posedness and Stability of Linear Port-Hamiltonian Systems with Nonlinear Boundary Feedback" , 2015.
G. Ciuprina, J. Fernandez Villena, D. Ioan, Z. Ilievski, S. Kula, E. Maten, K. Mohaghegh, R. Pulch, W. Schilders, L. Silveira, A. Stefanescu and M. Striebel, "Parameterized Model Order Reduction" , 2015.
M. Calvo-Garrido, M. Ehrhardt and C. Vazquez Cedon, "Pricing Swing Options in Electricity Markets with two Stochastic Factors using a Partial Differential Equation Approach" , 2015.
S. Albeverio and H. Gottschalk, "Quantum fields obtained from convoluted generalized white noise never have positive metric" , 2015.
D. Vaz, L. Paquete, C. M. Fonseca, K. Klamroth and M. Stiglmayr, "Representation of the non-dominated set in biobjective combinatorial optimization", Computers & Operations Research, vol. 63, no. Preprint: imacm_14_06, pp. 172-186, 2015.
P. Putek, K. Gausling, A. Bartel, K. Gawrylczyk, J. Maten, R. Pulch and M. Günther, "Robust topology optimization of a permanent magnet synchronous machine using multi-level set and stochastic collocation methods" , 2015.

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