IMACM-Juniors Kick-Off Meeting 2021
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic the third annual kick-off meeting took place as a virtual meeting on February 23rd, 2021. Many old and new…
IMACM-Juniors Kick-Off Meeting 2021
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic the third annual kick-off meeting took place as a virtual meeting on February 23rd, 2021. Many old and new…
A new method to enclose the pseudospectrum via the numerical range
of the inverse of a matrix or linear operator is presented. The method is
Doctoral students in applied mathematics started a SIAM Student Chapter at the University of Wuppertal. The aim of the SIAM Student Chapter Wuppertal…
The IMACM-Juniors seminar trip took place from 11th to 13th February in Schmallenberg. The aim of the seminar was to bring the PhD students of the…
On the 12th of July 2019, around twenty participants of the IMACM-Juniors attended this seminar. Jonas Thies from the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und…
On the 11th of April 2019 the second IMACM-Juniors Kick-off meeting took place. A three minutes short presentation of each participant opened the…
Neben Kick-Off-Meeting und Seminarfahrt im Frühjahr, kommen die IMACM-Juniors dreimal im Jahr zu einem Meeting am sogenannten…
Am 4.7.18 führte Prof. Dr. Jörg Frochte von der Hochschule Bochum in seinem Vortrag interessierte Promovierende und Studierende…
zuletzt bearbeitet am: 26.09.2024