IMACM-Juniors Kick-off Meeting

16.04.2019|09:13 Uhr|Britta Schulze

On the 11th of April 2019 the second IMACM-Juniors Kick-off meeting took place. A three minutes short presentation of each participant opened the meeting to give the chance to new and old members to get to know each other and their research interests. Afterwards, three Juniors gave a presentation on their work in more detail:

  • Johanna Schultes:
    Bikriterielle Formoptimierung mittels Gewichteter Summen Methode: Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit vs. Kosten
  • Arthur Strebel:
    Introduction to multigrid methods
  • Sergiy Bogdanov:
    Parallele Zeitintegration

zuletzt bearbeitet am: 26.09.2024

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