Drei Wuppertaler Wissenschaftler*innen in DFG-Fachkollegien gewählt

19.02.2020|12:00 Uhr

Die Fachkollegien der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) bewerten Anträge auf finanzielle Förderung von Forschungsvorhaben. Sie kontrollieren dabei auch die Wahrung einheitlicher Maßstäbe bei der Begutachtung und werden bei Fragen der Weiterentwicklung sowie Ausgestaltung der DFG-Förderprogramme zu Rate gezogen. Im Oktober und November wurden die Vertreter*innen der Fachkollegien neu gewählt. Nun steht das endgültige Ergebnis fest: Unter den Gewählten sind auch drei Wissenschaftler*innen der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal.

Von der Bergischen Universität in eines der insgesamt 49 Fachkollegien gewählt wurden:

  • Prof. Dr. Gerald Hartung, Philosophie mit Schwerpunkt Kulturphilosophie/Ästhetik: Fachkollegium Geschichte der Philosophie
  • Prof. Dr. Birgit Jacob, Arbeitsgruppe Funktionsanalysis: Fachkollegium Mathematik
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Riedl, Lehrstuhl für Elektronische Bauelemente: Fachkollegium Elektronische Halbleiter, Bauelemente und Schaltungen, Integrierte Systeme


Drei Wuppertaler Wissenschaftler*innen in DFG-Fachkollegien gewählt

SIAM Student Chapter Wuppertal

14.02.2020|10:16 Uhr

Doctoral students in applied mathematics started a SIAM Student Chapter at the University of Wuppertal. The aim of the SIAM Student Chapter Wuppertal is to unite both graduate and undergraduate students with an interest in computational and applied mathematics. The chapter organizes local meetings on subjects of interest, including seminars by students and faculty of the University of Wuppertal, as well as invited speakers from other institutions, excursions to industry sites, and workshops on different topics in applied mathematics and beyond. The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) provides funds to support activities of the student chapter.

Website of the SIAM Student Chapter Wuppertal: https://siamchapter.uni-wuppertal.de

SIAM Student Chapter Wuppertal

Rund 1,1 Millionen für KI-Forschung an der Bergischen Universität

12.02.2020|14:13 Uhr

Mit rund 1,1 Millionen Euro fördert das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) ein neues Forschungsvorhaben zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal: Im Rahmen des Projekts „KI-DeltaLearning“ erforschen die drei Wissenschaftler Dr. Matthias Rottmann, Dr. Karsten Kahl (beide Angewandte Informatik) und Prof. Dr. Hanno Gottschalk (Arbeitsgruppe Stochastik) die Übertragbarkeit von KI-Algorithmen bei sich verändernden Bedingungen. Das Verbundprojekt, angesiedelt in der Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, ist Teil der KI-Leitinitiative des Verbandes der Deutschen Automobilindustrie (VDA).


Rund 1,1 Millionen für KI-Forschung an der Bergischen Universität

IMACM-Juniors Excursion

11.02.2020|14:22 Uhr

The IMACM-Juniors seminar trip took place from 11th to 13th February in Schmallenberg. The aim of the seminar was to bring the PhD students of the different working groups together. 15 Participants (14 PhD students, 1 Post Doc) of four different working groups of IMACM presented their research in the beautifully located seminar house. Furthermore, there was time to discuss research topics and general questions regarding the dissertation. In the evenings there was time for socializing while cooking together and playing board games.

IMACM-Juniors Excursion

Wuppertaler Mathematiker vertritt Deutschland im Europäischen Konsortium für Industriemathematik

03.02.2020|13:23 Uhr

Dr. Matthias Ehrhardt, Professor für Angewandte Mathematik und Numerische Analysis an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, wird in den kommenden vier Jahren der Vertreter Deutschlands im Council des „European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry“ (ECMI) sein.


Wuppertaler Mathematiker vertritt Deutschland im Europäischen Konsortium für Industriemathematik

Dagstuhl Seminar on Scalability in Multiobjective Optimization

22.01.2020|10:52 Uhr

The Dagstuhl Seminar 20031 on Scalability in Multiobjective Optimization that took place at Schloss Dagstuhl from January 12 -17, 2020, carried on a series of six previous Dagstuhl Seminars that were focused on Multiobjective Optimization. The continuing goal of this series is to strengthen the links between the Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization (EMO) and the Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) communities, two of the largest communities concerned with multiobjective optimization today.

The focus of this edition of the seminar series was on three main aspects of scalability in multiobjective optimization (MO) and their interplay, namely (1) MO with many objective functions, (2) MO with many decision makers, and (3) MO with many variables and large amounts of data. The seminar attracted 42 participants from 13 different countries. Financial and organizational support by Schloss Dagstuhl and by the Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik is gratefully acknowledged.

Organizers: Carlos M. Fonseca (University of Coimbra), Kathrin Klamroth (University of Wuppertal), Günter Rudolph (TU Dortmund) and Margaret M. Wiecek (Clemson University)

For further information, see the seminar website at https://www.dagstuhl.de/en/program/calendar/semhp/?semnr=20031

Dagstuhl Seminar on Scalability in Multiobjective Optimization

Buch „Nanoelectronic Coupled Problems Solutions“ erschienen

08.01.2020|13:26 Uhr

Elektronische Bauteile verbessern - das war das Ziel des EU-Projekts nanoCOPS („Nanoelectronic Coupled Problems Solutions“), das von Dr. Jan ter Maten vom Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik und Numerische Analysis der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal koordiniert wurde. Nun sind die Forschungsergebnisse im Buch „Nanoelectronic Coupled Problems Solutions“ erschienen.


Buch „Nanoelectronic Coupled Problems Solutions“ erschienen

Krylov type methods exploiting the quadratic numerical range

23.12.2019|14:42 Uhr

The quadratic numerical range W2(A) is a subset of the standard numerical range of a linear operator which still contains its spectrum. It arises naturally in operators which have a 2×2 block structure, and it consists of at most two connected components, none of which necessarily convex. The quadratic numerical range can thus reveal spectral gaps, and it can in particular indicate that the spectrum of an operator is bounded away from 0. We exploit this property in the finite-dimensional setting to derive Krylov subspace type methods to solve the system Ax=b, in which the iterates arise as solutions of low-dimensional models of the operator whose quadratic numerical ranges is contained in W2(A). This implies that the iterates are always well-defined and that, as opposed to standard FOM, large variations in the approximation quality of consecutive iterates are avoided, although 0 lies within the convex hull of the spectrum. We also consider GMRES variants which are obtained in a similar spirit. We derive theoretical results on basic properties of these methods, review methods on how to compute the required bases in a stable manner and present results of several numerical experiments illustrating improvements over standard FOM and GMRES.


Krylov type methods exploiting the quadratic numerical range

DAAD setzt Förderung für Deutsch-Slowakisches Projekt in der Finanzmathematik fort

17.12.2019|13:20 Uhr

19 Mathematik-Studierende, Doktorand*innen und Professor*innen nehmen an einem neuen Projekt zur numerischen Finanzmathematik zwischen der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal und der Comenius-Universität Bratislava teil. Leiter des Projekts mit dem Titel „MATTHIAS - Modelling and Approximation Tools and Techniques for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations in finance and Innovative Approach to their Solution“ ist Prof. Dr. Matthias Ehrhardt, Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Angewandte Mathematik.


DAAD setzt Förderung für Deutsch-Slowakisches Projekt in der Finanzmathematik fort

Spontaneous wave formation in stochastic self-driven particle systems

10.12.2019|14:35 Uhr

Waves and oscillations are commonly observed in the dynamics of systems self-driven agents such as pedestrians or vehicles. Interestingly, many factors may perturb the stability of homogeneous solutions, leading to the spontaneous formation of waves related as stop-and-go waves or phantom jam in the literature. In this article, we demonstrate that even a minimal additive stochastic noise in stable first-order dynamics can describe stop-and-go phenomena. The noise is not a classic white one, but a colored noise described by a gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. It turns out that the joint dynamics of particles and noises forms again a (gaussian) Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process whose characteristics can be explicitly expressed in terms of parameters of the model. We analyze its stability and characterize the presence of waves by calculating the correlation and autocorrelation functions of the distance spacing between the particles. The autocorrelation of the noise induces collective oscillation in the system and spontaneous emergence of waves. While the correlation and autocorrelation functions are complex-valued and difficult to analyze and interpret, we show that these functions become real-valued in the continuum limit when the system size is infinite. Finally, we propose consistent statistical estimations of the model parameters and compare experimental trajectories of single-file pedestrian motions to simulation results of the calibrated stochastic model


Spontaneous wave formation in stochastic self-driven particle systems

zuletzt bearbeitet am: 08.05.2023

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