Ankündigung: Generalversammlung der IMACM-Juniors am 26.10.2023
Neuwahlen für IMACM-Juniors und SIAM Student Chapter.
Ankündigung: Generalversammlung der IMACM-Juniors am 26.10.2023
Neuwahlen für IMACM-Juniors und SIAM Student Chapter.
Ankündigung: Generalversammlung der IMACM-Juniors am 26.10.2023
5. Auflage des Seminars für die IMACM-Mitglieder zu port Hamiltonschen Systemen mit diesmal überwiegend internen Vorträgen.
Seminar zur Analysis und Numerik port-Hamiltonscher Systeme
Together with Kathryn Lund from MPI Magdeburg and Stephane Gaudreault from the Canadian Meteorological Centre, IMACM member Marcel Schweitzer organized this 3-day workshop in Magdeburg.
The f(A)bulous workshop on matrix functions and exponential integrators
SCINDIS 2023 took place in Wuppertal from September 27 to September 29, 2023 in Wuppertal. The workshop attracted 65 international researchers from 12 countries who presented their latest results in plenary sessions and in the poster sessions.
Wrap-up: 4th Workshop on Stability and Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems (SCINDIS 2023)
The Kick-Off meeting of the EU Marie-Curie Doctoral Network "Advanced computing, quantum algorithms and data-driven approaches for science, technology and engineering" (AQTIVATE) took place at the University of Cyprus in Nicosia from September 27 to September 30, 2023. It presented a great opportunity to network between the Ph.-D. students, to get an overview over the various scientific topics and to start to better know the supervisors at the many different institutions involved.
Kick-Off meeting of Marie-Curie Doctoral Network AQTIVATE in Cyprus, 27.09-30.09. 2023
The 4th Workshop on Stability and Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems (SCINDIS 2023) will take place from September 27-29, 2023 in Wuppertal. This DFG-funded workshop is organized by the functional analysis group within IMACM.
University of Wuppertal hosts the 4th Workshop on Stability and Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems
EMS launches New Topical Activity Group with IMACM participation.
In 2022, the European Mathematical Society started a call for topical activity groups (TAGs). After an evaluation of all submitted proposal, five TAGs were retained, among which the TAG on Dissipative and Port-Hamiltonian systems, Modelling, Simulation, Control, and Optimization.
The TAG will officially start on Septmber 1st, 2023. The initiators are Birgit Jacob from IMACM together with Mikael, Kurula, Laurent Lefevre, Denis Matignon, Volker Mehrmann, Timo Reis, Benjamin Unger and Michal Wojtylakand. Our university also hosts the website of this TAG.
EMS launches Topical Activity Group (TAG) on port-Hamiltonian systems
Seit Juli 2023 ist Peter Zaspel neuer Professor für Software für datenintensive Anwendungen. Das IMACM verstärkt sich so mit einem Experten für Maschinelles Lernen, Quantifizierung von Unsicherheiten, große Datenmengen, Hochleistungsrechnen und interdisziplinäre Anwendungen.
Peter Zaspel neuer Professor für Software für datenintensive Anwendungen
Prof. Kirsten Morris is in Wuppertal upon invitation of functional analysis group. Her research interests are control and estimation of systems modelled by partial differential equations, as well as port-Hamiltonian systems. On Wednesday, March 24, 2023 she will give a talk on "Exponential Decay Rate of Port-Hamiltonian Systems: Theory and Approximation".
Kirsten Morris from University of Waterloo visiting in May 2023
Neues Format des Berufspraxiskolloquiums bringt Interessierte direkt vor Ort des Beratungsunternehmens d-fine.
JobTalks: Exkursion d-fine Düsseldorf am 13.6.23
zuletzt bearbeitet am: 08.05.2023