
DFG-Research Unit FOR 5269 started

13.09.2022|09:05 Uhr

FOR 5269 is a DFG funded Research Unit on computing quark propagation in a gluon background. The project involves physicists and mathematicians who join forces to obtain progress in numerical and stochastic algorithms which is mandatory for future simulations in theoretical particle physics, in particular, for glueballs.

FOR 5269 is a joint poject between the theoretical experimental particle group of Francesco Knechtli at the department of physics in Wuppertal, Michael Günther and Andreas Frommer from IMACM, and two external partners, Stefan Schäfer from DESY Zeuthen and Michael Peardon from Trinity College Dublin.

Michael Günther's group contributes new integration techniques for the stochastic simulations required in quantum field theory, while Andreas Frommer's fgroup's focus is on improving multigrid solves for discretized Dirac operators and associated trace estimations.

The project started this month with the hiring of three Ph.~students and two postdocs in Wuppertal, among which two Ph.D. students, Kevin Schäfers and Jose Jimenez, and one postdoc, ustavo Ramirez, are assocated with IMACM.

zuletzt bearbeitet am: 26.09.2024